17.Big Surprises!

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Chapter Seventeen... Big Surprises!

I had spent most of the night fighting off the intense nausea that plagued me. I still couldn't believe I was pregnant again... I was destined to be a mother of three before my 21st birthday. I wasn't sure if I would be a good mother to three kids, especially if number three was to be another girl.

I had a doctors appointment for in the morning, but I didn't get much sleep. When I wasn't running to the bathroom every 2 hours, I was tossing and turning, unable to stop my running train of thoughts on my new little one. I had to be only like, four weeks pregnant...

When morning finally came, I was once again in the bathroom. Perhaps I should have just slept next to the toilet...

Cameron readied the girls for day care. Becca was very protective of her little sister at daycare, which was amusing but annoying at the same time. She tended to bully other kids when they went near Addy.

Cameron had opted to have the day off of work, sensing that I was a bit uneasy about having a third child. I should be happy, I know! And I am... I'm just afraid of becoming a bad mother. Terrified... And I think a large part of it comes down to coming from a large family. I always wondered how my mother could handle the four of us, given that we were all troublesome in our own way.

Whether it be Jenna's wild partying, my teenage pregnancies, Nathan's drug addiction in senior year... Anything to stay awake... Or Adam's several fights through middle school, I feared my children becoming out of control.

Okay, I know it's stupid to be thinking that now! I guess when Cameron and I decided to try for another baby, I didn't expect to fall pregnant so soon!

We sat at the doctors as my string of thoughts had extended. But the horrible morning sickness had eased off for now, so that was one thing to be thankful for. Cameron stared at the blank wall; he came with me to all my appointments when I was pregnant with Becca, but only one with Addy. So it was a little odd to have him here, but I'm so glad he was.

Doctor Barraby had been my gynaecologist since I met her when I was pregnant with Becca. She always helped me whenever I needed it, and I was glad she could fit me in today. I sighed in relief when the nurse walked in the room, calling out my name. I stood up and took Cameron by the hand. He followed loyally, chattering about the fact that our baby would be another girl, but he'd still hope for a boy. I laughed, suggesting that I would be happy with either, as long as it's healthy.

We followed the ling hallway until we reached a room that was all too familiar to me. I sat down on the bed whilst the nurse handed me a gown. Knowing what to do, I climbed on the bed after dressing in the gown and sat with my feet in the stirrups. The nurse came back in after I'd changed, setting up for an ultrasound. I knew that then I'd have to have all the fun blood tests and crap that cane with being pregnant.


"Hello, Rose," Dr Barraby smiled as she entered the room.

"Hi," I replied with a small smile.

"So, pregnant again, huh?" she smiled, looking at Cameron. "You must be getting excited, now that your family is growing."

"Yeah, I'm a but nervous,"I admitted sheepishly.

"Oh, well your last two pregnancies ran so smoothly," the doctor grinned. "I'm sure this one will be no different."

"Well, the morning sickness started yesterday," I groaned. "And it's way more intense than with either Becca or Addy. I'm more sick. Nausea hits me like a wave in the ocean hits a swimmer."

"Well, I'll do a quick ultrasound, and then we'll take some blood and I'll see what I can find out," she smiled at me.

"Okay," I said smiling back quickly.

The cold gel on my stomach brought back so many memories. It was Deja vu that's for sure! I quietly sat there, watching the screen. I could hear a heartbeat, and that made my heart warm totally. But I couldn't help but notice the doctor frown...

"What's wrong?" I asked timidly. Cameron held my hand, staring at the image on the screen.

"Well, you told the nurse you were only about four weeks pregnant," she began. "But you look like you're about eight or nine weeks," she finalized.

"But I can't be," I gasped. "I has my period in that time."

"Sometimes women can still get their periods when they're pregnant," she replied. "Or it could have been from when the fetuses were getting settled into your uterus."

"Umm... Okay then," I said sighing. "So my baby is alright?"

"Yes, but there are three fetuses in your uterus," she said, smiling until she saw my face go white.

"Three?" I managed to gasp.

"Yes, Rose, three," she smiled as if to encourage a better response out of me. "Comgratulations, you're having triplets!"

I remember attempting to stand up when I feinted.


The word triplets kept running through my head as I sat in shocked silence on the car ride home. I had been freaked about being a mother of three, but I was about to become a mother of five! Cameron made an attempt to get words out of me, but I couldn't manage to say anything. It was certainly not what I was expecting. It's not exactly common knowledge that you'd expect to be carrying a litter!

The doctor had said that two of the babies were from the same egg, whilst the other was from an egg of its own. I was certain that at least one of them would be another girl, but I had a feeling that the identical two from the same egg would be boys. I hoped so! Imagine five girls running around my house! I'd kill myself...

Well, maybe not. But Cameron might. He desperately wanted a son, and out of three there was bound to be one that would be a boy.

"You know, after the triplets, I don't think we need to have anymore," Cameron said weakly.

"Yeah, no way," I scoffed. "Three would have been enough for me. Five... Yeah, I won't want to be intimate with you for a while I hope you know," I added with a nervous laugh.

Cameron laughed to, but I think he thought I was serious. Not entirely, just the thought of having my tubes tied after I give birth to my triplets kept running through my mind.

We arrived home, and I quietly took off upstairs to relax and think. Three new babies... I was on the pill when I conceived them! I must have missed one... I tried not to think back, placing my hand over my stomach, thinking about holding my triplets for the first time.

I smiled, knowing I could do this. It wasn't gonna be easy, but I could do it.

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