6. Don't You Just Hate It When Your Husband's Ex Is Still Obsessed With Him?

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Chapter Six... Don't You Just Hate It When Your Husband's Ex Is Still Obsessed With Him?


When I moved to Crystaltown with Cameron and the kids, I had never once considered that Cameron's obsessive ex-girlfriend Amelia would find her way here and try to break us up once again. That girl had tried to split us up on several occasions...

But she failed miserably.

Now she had found out where we lived, all thanks to a girl who I had once thought a friend. Thanks Kimmi. Thanks for turning into the bitch you'd so irritatingly become.

In any case, I wasn't worried about Cameron leaving me for the likes of her. But Cameron and I had been together for eleven years, married for eight years... and I still didn't know the reason they had broken up in the first place. A part of me hadn't wanted to know previously, as I didn't particularly see it as any of my business.

I was greatful every day that they had broken up, because if they never had then Cameron and I wouldn't be together...

And that thought terrified me.

Oh, how different my life would be if I had never had the chance to be with Cameron! I wouldn't have my five beautiful children, our amazing marriage or our massive house. I probably wouldn't have anything at all!

"Uh... why?" I managed to gasp, realising that Alison was still standing right in front of me.

"I told you, she's a bitch," Alison sighed. "I wish she wasn't doing this. You seem like a great person. For eleven years all I've heard is ways that Amelia could think of to break you and your husband up. And I've tried talking her out of it. Believe me, I've tried!"

"I believe you," I said nervously.

"But she's just... stuck in the past," Alison finished. "I'm nineteen and I'm more mature than my sister is!"

"Amelia won't come between Cameron and I," I said as confidently as I could. "We're in love. And she's..."

"Crazy?" Alison suggested. I chuckled.

"Probably," I agreed.

"I would love to have a sister who I didn't hate," Alison frowned. "But Amelia... well, she makes it impossible to love her."

"My sister Jen and I are really close," I smiled. "I couldn't imagine us not being close. But I'm close with my sister in-law Rachel, and Cam's sister Sarah. But uh... my family, we're all close."

"Lucky you," Alison sighed. "Amelia's distanced herself from everyone by just being herself. I'd love for us to be close, but we're just... not."

"I wish I could help you. But uh... Amelia used to bully me when I was in junior high, and she was in high school. So I don't think I'd be much help. Sorry."

"Oh, it's so not your fault, Rose. My sister just... every guy she's been with since Cameron, well, she's compared to him. And she's always dumped them over the stupidest of things."

"How can one girl be so obsessed with one guy?!"

"I have no idea. I've tried telling her to get over him, that you're with him. That he's a married man. But if she got the chance, she'd still sleep with him."

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