~ Stars, Thunder, Wind, Shadow and River ~

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Rainsong's POV

The gentle scent of fresh water and stone... A nice breezy day... And an oddly pleasantly sweet scent of flowers and honey.

I opened my eyes to see a tortoiseshell and white pelt. Not like me and my gray and cream. But a black, red and white one. I blinked as my eyes adjusted. Before me sat a familiar sweet smelling tortoiseshell she-cat.

"Spottedleaf!" I purred with delight. "I miss you so much more than I thought I did!"

"It's great to see you too Rainsong." She replied with a purr as joyful as mine.

"Starclan has done you well!" I tease, gesturing to her youthful body that was covered in stars.

"I sadly can't say the same for you." Spottedleaf purred sadly.

"As much as I'd love being youthful and covered in stars, I wouldn't want to join Starclan just yet." I reply with good humour.

"Why nooooot?" A tom-kit half wails.

I turn my head in surprise to see Skykit.

"Skykit!" I yowl, and go ahead and nuzzle him fiercely. "Trust me Skykit, it's not because I don't want to play with you. But I have to make sure my plan is successful before I die."

Skykit looks at me with curious eyes. "What plan?"

"Yes, do tell us, Rainsong." Meows a tom's voice from out of nowhere.

We all turn to see another tortoiseshell join our group, one with a very ginger tail.

"Redtail!" I meow in shock. "It's good to see you!"

Redtail nods at my words. "Likewise Rainsong. Now about your plan..?"

"Right." I nod. "My plan to overthrow Tigerclaw."

All of my littermates are right here with me. It was nice. Well technically only Skykit was. But Spottedleaf and Redtail had treated me like their littermate since I was one of the few cats their age. Willowpelt not really, she didn't like me much. Probably because of my connections with the older cats.

The next moments till dawn were ones that were happy and filled with fun. After a sombre explanation of my plan, Spottedleaf, Redtail and I got to catch up. I was also able to play with Skykit.

~ Timeskip For A Well Known Reason ~

I was on patrol. This time not only with Longtail, but with Fireheart and Tigerclaw too.

All we did was walk about attempting to find a place to cross through the flood so that we could get to the gathering that night. When Tigerclaw instructed Fireheart to attempt crossing the overflowing stream, my mouth fell open.

"That'll kill him if he isn't careful!" I mewed softly, evidently no one heard.

I watched with wide eyes and my claws digging into the dirt from anxiety. Would Fireheart make it carefully over? Or would he get swept up.

When the branch started to sway, my eyes widened more than they possibly could've.

"Tigerclaw! Call him back! He'll drown otherwise." I yowled towards the brown tabby. "If he drowns it'll be considered your fault because you ordered him out there." I added when Tigerclaw didn't look convinced.

"Fireheart! Get back!" He finally howled at the flame-coloured warrior on the branch.

Then the branch was swept away, Fireheart with it.

Oh thank Starclan! I thought for about the millionth time this moon. Fireheart was ok. Thanks to Longtail, which didn't really surprise me. As much as my brother hated Fireheart, he would stick to the warrior code like honey.

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