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Third Person Jaypaw's POV

Sunhigh was approaching—Jaypaw could feel the warmth on his back. He padded into the camp with a wad of dock leaves clasped in his jaws. The sour flavour had sucked all the moisture from his mouth. It disguised every other scent, and he had to rely on the memory of his paws to find the path back to the medicine den. As he crossed the clearing, he could hear the pawsteps of his Clanmates hurrying around him. The whole Clan had been busy since before dawn preparing for the daylight Gathering. They're only going to spend the day hunting and fighting, Jaypaw thought irritably. Why are they acting like it's something special? They get to do that anyway.

"Squirrelflight!" Firestar called down from Highledge.

"Yes?" She sounded out of breath. "Did you find a good route for the squirrel hunt?"

"I sent Brambleclaw out with a patrol," she replied. "He's checking it now. The ShadowClan border might be best. The squirrels are still busy there, digging up their nut stores."

"What about the tree-climbing contest?" Firestar prompted.

"Spiderleg told me that the Sky Oak is in full bud, but he doesn't think it'll be damaged by having so many apprentices climbing it at once."

"Good," Firestar meowed. "Are there hunting patrols out? We don't want our visitors to think we are prey-poor."

"Two. Birchfall and Thornclaw are leading them."

"Jaypaw!" Firestar scrambled down from Highledge and caught up to him. "Leafpool will need your help today in case of any accidents. You won't be able to join in any of the contests, I'm afraid."

The whole Clan had been tiptoeing around him like mice since the daylight Gathering had been announced, too scared to say out loud what he knew they'd all been thinking—that he would be useless in any apprentice contest. He had noticed right away how they never mentioned his name as they speculated about which apprentices would win. Jaypaw didn't reply to Firestar and scraped angrily through the bramble entrance to the medicine den.

"Oh, good!" Leafpool was waiting for him. "You found lots. Now we'll be ready for any scratches."

Jaypaw dropped the dock leaves on the ground. He flicked his tongue, trying to wet it again. "I don't see why we have to be responsible for all the other Clans," he complained. "If their apprentices want to show off on our territory, their own medicine cats should look after them."

"All the medicine cats will be working together to make sure every cat is cared for properly," Leafpool reminded him.

"I bet Willowpaw and Kestrelpaw haven't spent the morning looking for herbs," Jaypaw muttered. "Even they will have been practising their hunting skills for the contests."

He sensed frustration in Leafpool's quick movements as she stored the dock with the other herbs, but her mew was calm. "I know how much you want to take part, Jaypaw, but I need you to help me."

The fury that had been simmering in Jaypaw's belly suddenly bubbled over.

"Don't lie!" he fumed. "I'm not allowed to take part because there's no way I can compete against real apprentices! Firestar doesn't want me embarrassing the Clan."

"You know that isn't true!" Leafpool told him, shocked.

"Then why doesn't he let me try one of the contests?"

"Maybe if you'd had more battle training or hunting experience, he would!" Leafpool's mew was brittle as she tried to keep her temper. "But you started your medicine training late, and the outbreak of greencough has stopped us from working on your other skills."

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