~ An Eye For Loyalty ~

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Rainsong's POV

I was dying on the inside. It was the mere truth. I had just left my Clan, my kin and everything I've ever cared about so that I could follow Tigerclaw. WHAT CAT DOES THAT? This cat, I thought miserably. But I guess I didn't have much of a choice. With a sigh, I broke myself from my thoughts. We were currently with the rogues just outside of Clan territory. Tigerclaw was considered the leader among the rogues. I was considered as the 'We should trust her only because Tigerclaw instructed us to'. I was currently just lying down in the sun, a half-eaten chaffinch in front of me.

"Rainsong!" Tigerclaw yowled, making me snap my head upwards to meet his amber eyes. "Come here."

My eye twitched slightly, but I shook myself and met Tigerclaw in the middle of our tiny clearing. The rogues gathered around to see what was going on. Evidently Tigerclaw wanted an audience, because he wanted me in the middle of the clearing.

"How do I know you aren't spying for Bluestar?" He growled once every cat was watching, his eyes were narrowed in suspicion.

"Because Bluestar was just as shocked as Smallear about your betrayal." I pointed out with a yawn.

"Then are you spying for Fireheart?" He demanded. "I know how close you were with him." He added with a taunting tone.

"Pffft, you expect me to answer 'yes' to that?" I retorted with a snort.

"Oh I don't." Tigerclaw answered with an evil grin spreading on his features. "But I expect you to give me something to prove your loyalty."

"I already gave you my complete loyalty, what more do you want?" I mewed, my eyes narrowing by the moment.

"Hmm. Let me think on this a moment." He hissed, then leaned back on his haunches in a rather dramatic manner. Then he leaned close to me, causing me to lean back, and whispered in a loud fashion: "Your eye."

On the inside, I was shocked to the bone, and cold fear was spread through my body like rain falling from dark gray storm clouds. On the outside, I remained calm and replied in a cool voice: "Alright, you can take my eye out if it'll prove my loyalty."

A flicker of surprise flashed through his amber eyes, but nonetheless his grin grew. "Whitestorm won't find you so pretty after this, now, will he?" He taunted then laughed evilly at his own words.

Rage flashed in my eyes, for a second I nearly attacked Tigerclaw. Before I could, I managed to compose myself. "So when are we going to get to the removal of my eye? You're making me bored." I stated, my voice much colder than I anticipated.

Shock flared through Tigerclaw's eyes, and I could hear the rogues whispering among themselves. I flashed Tigerclaw a wicked grin of my own.

"Not yet," Tigerclaw announced. "I'll do it when we've taken over a clan and we've got a medicine cat. Can't have our most talented warrior dying now, can we?"

"Talented, as if!" Snorted one of the rogues, Blackfoot. "She's as small as an apprentice!"

"That didn't stop me before, why should it stop me now?" I asked without turning my head, my voice sounded as if it were dripping with venom.

"Because you're looking at Brokenstar's best warriors, Rainpaw." Sneered Blackfoot.

I refused to deal with this while I was with Tigerclaw. I spun around and launched myself at the large white tom before he could react, I clawed him on the face. He tried to push me away with one large black paw, a mouse-brained move. I was used to larger cats attempting to push me away with a single large paw. The moment his paw made contact with my muzzle, I opened my muzzle and clamped my jaws down. Screeching, Blackfoot shook his paw, attempting to get me off. Kicking him on the chest with my back paws and letting go of his paw, I used the push to launch myself upwards. I landed and skidded backwards on the ground. Evidently thinking he got a chance, Blackfoot bounded right in front of me. Hooking my paw upwards, I sent dust flying up into his face. As he coughed the dirt out, I hooked his paws out from underneath him. As he thumped on the ground, I jumped onto his back. Blackfoot felt me on his back and tried to shake me off, but every time he struggled, I pushed my paws harder into his spine. Eventually the white tom gave up and panted on the ground.

Every cat was staring, shock plastered on their faces. Tigerclaw on the other paw, only looked mildly impressed.

"Does any other cat have anything to say about me?" I spat. My question was met with silence. "Good. Otherwise you'll end up like this fool." Jumping off of Blackfoot, I stalked away to a bush I was using as a den.

~ End of Chapter A/N ~

Ok sorry for the short chapter, I'm posting the next chapter now. I just had to cut it because the title wouldn't match whatever else I put in this chapter. So I'm cutting it there and then doing a small chapter called "Rising Storm" because Tigerclaw nearly never appears in the main plot of the fourth book. And in that small chapter, I'll have Rainsong appear like twice (lmao) plus the err gruesome scene. I'm also going to pack in events from the fifth book, because yeah. So the next chapter will either be gruesomely short or awfully long. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! How are you, dear reader? I hope you've been having a good week! Maybe I'll ask a few get to know you questions next chapter!

~ LittleOwl

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