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Here we go agaaaaaain! XD

Welcome, welcome my little Pumpkins!

Little Bitch is a random idea I had while writing Smirking Jerk and thinking "wouldn't be hilarious if I did a book 2 and titled it Little Bitch?" I realized while I was writing Smirking Jerk that I wasn't done with Blake and Lexi, like not at all. I actually realized that what I'd said I would never do (write a sequel) was gonna happen. (Also, take note that Little Bitch is an endearing term here and not a degrading one.) 

So, Little Bitch picks up right where Smirking Jerk finishes. And when we'll finish Little Bitch we'll start... a Smirking Jerk Book 3/I Sold Myself to the Devil for Vinyls... Pitiful I Know Book 2. It'll be a split POV book about Blake and Lexi's time in college. So far, the working title is Over-thinking Pumpkin & Dramatic Blakey Boy, but that might change.

So, what you need to know is that this story is essentially a book 2. It is the sequel to Smirking Jerk. Though sequel might be the wrong word. It's like part 2 really. 

Blake is no longer a smirking jerk now. He doesn't need to be fake, he does not need to hide who he really is anymore.

And who is really is, is Lexi's little bitch. ;P

I hope you have lots of fun reading this!

I shall be uploading a new chapter every Monday as I did with Smirking Jerk. I hope to see you all! Thanks for following me in my crazy ideas! <3

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