Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Tyler was pretending he was about to throw a lamp at Josh—or at least I hoped he was pretending—when his father appeared at the door.

"I'm gonna need some context now," he just said, leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed.

Tyler and Josh had kinda frozen on the spot. Lexi and I were sitting up a little straighter.

"I'm being a welcoming host to our guest?" Tyler replied with a fake grin.

"This your brother Blake?" Mr Grayson asked, motioning to Josh with his chin.

"Not by blood," I replied automatically.

I hadn't been the one about to destroy furniture when he'd walked in, so I was probably safe.

The Graysons' father turned his attention to my best friend. "Are you here to woo my daughter too? Am I going to have to split a fight in my front yard soon?"

Josh grinned. Oh oh. "Not here to woo your daughter, I'm here to woo your son."

Michael shook his head, his arms still crossed. "I don't recommend it. He's an ungrateful bastard."

"Seriously Dad?" Tyler whined, while Lexi and I had both snorted.

His father looked at him in disbelief. "You know I'm right. He's wooing you and your throwing lamps at him? I can't believe I raised a savage."

"In Tyler's defense, Josh usually deserves to get a lamp thrown at him," I interjected.

Josh glared at me. I pressed my lips to keep from laughing. "Wow, how very little you're loyal to your almost-brother in the presence of Graysons. I'm heartbroken."

"Don't take it to heart, he's been sucking up to me for weeks now. It's been quite entertaining," Mr Grayson informed my best friend.

Ouch. True, but ouch.

"Dad, come on," Lexi said, coming to my defense.

"Come on what? Am I wrong?" he asked.

I grinned sheepishly. "Not entirely."

Michael grinned victoriously. "See. I know everything. 'Cause I'm always watching. Like a," he started to say, but his son interrupted him.

"Shark, we know, we know," Tyler said.

"LIKE A SHARK!" his father repeated, and then walked away, leaving us behind.

I had to admit. I kinda liked this right now. I liked the fact that Lexi's dad was just fine with having me and Josh over, like it was just a normal thing. I'd always loved feeling like I was a part of the Grayson family, and the fact that Michael seemed to be okay with Josh hanging around warmed my heart.

I wasn't exactly sure why. It wasn't like I had a bad relationship with my parents or anything. I didn't need a new father figure.

But I did love the fact that the father of the girl of my dreams was accepting me and not just tolerating me.

After a few second, Josh looked at the two Graysons left and asked, "you guys are interested in trading fathers?"

"Your dad's loaded?" Tyler asked, without missing a beat.

"Yes, loaded, and a pain in the ass."

Tyler smirked like an idiot. "I'm also a pain in the ass."

Josh made a pained face. Knowing his father, I understood. "No, but like, a specific kind of pain in the ass. Like therapy-can't-fix-this kinda pain in the ass."

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