Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

My Pumpkin and I were going on our first trip together.

At least, that was how I decided to see our visit to my grandparents.

We were flying together! It was trip!

Our flight was after lunch. I had purposely taken it later because I didn't want Lexi to have to wake up early and be more stressed than she already was.

Meeting my grandparents seemed to worry her quite a bit.

I wasn't sure why she was worrying this much. My grandparents were pretty nice. And if they didn't like her, it wasn't like it was that big of a deal. I didn't see them that often anyway. If they didn't like her, they would just have to learn to.

This wasn't a deal breaker for me.

But apparently it was enough to make Lexi stress eat.

I liked that she cared, but I would have preferred she didn't almost make herself sick over it.

We'd also gotten to the airport like three hours in advance because Lexi didn't want us to miss our flight. I wondered if she always this overly punctual to the airport. I wondered if this was how it would be every time we travelled.

I wondered which places we would see together, and where we would travel to later in our lives.

There were many places I'd visited growing up, places I would love to share with my Pumpkin.

Our future was indeed bright.

But my present was a little bothersome, because I was sitting on an old chair in the waiting area of the airport waiting for our flight beside my worried girlfriend.

The last time I had been at the airport was one week ago when I had dropped off Josh before his getaway trip.

He was supposed to be in India right now, but with Josh, nothing was ever sure. He could have befriended some stranger and be on his way to the top of mount Everest for all I knew.

I was a bit worried. He hadn't been in the best of moods when he had left. Maybe I should have pressed more, to go with him. But he had been adamant about going alone, so there was nothing I could have done really. It was hard to change Josh's mind.

Lexi was texting beside me, so I took this opportunity, and leaned down, putting my head on her lap.

My Pumpkin automatically hit my head. "No, no, don't nap! We need to be alert!"

I sat up again, and looked at my girlfriend, amused. "Pumpkin, I love you, but you really need to stop worrying."

She looked at me like I was crazy for even thinking that. "How am I supposed not to worry, when we're about to be trapped in a metal deathbox thousand of feet up in the sky?"

I narrowed my eyes. "Wait? Are you scared of flying?"

In the midst of everything, I had never actually asked her that. I was pretty sure she wasn't though.

"I'm not! But anything could happen!"

I shook my head, and laid it down on her lap again.

"What if they take one look at me, and they hate me because I made you sad?" she asked in a little voice.

I didn't even open my eyes and said, "you never made me sad. I made me sad."

"But they could hate me!"

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