Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

Standing at the airport with a sign that read Princess Joshua Gilligan Eaton, I waited for Josh to arrive. He'd mentioned he didn't want to be called Torres anymore, so it made sense to give him the right last name.

His flight had landed a little while ago, so he should be coming in any minute now.

As much as it was nice to spent a lot of time with my girlfriend, I was missing my best friend.

And he hadn't been in the best of moods lately, so I felt like I needed to see him soon to feel reassured.

Finally, I spotted him in the sea of people walking out of the terminal.

He smiled when he saw me, but then glared when he noticed the sign.

I walked up to me as I grinned like an idiot.

"My name is not Joshua and you know this," Josh said, making a grimace.

I just kept grinned at him, satisfied with his appalled reaction.

"I already regret coming back. I should have stayed in India," he said, giving me his backpack to carry.

"What? You didn't miss me?" I asked, swinging the bag on my back and heading to the exit.


"Not even a little bit?"

"Not even a tiny-itsy-Blake's-penis-length-little bit."

"Cheap shot."

"Even if you have a MICRO PENIS, I still love you," Josh said making sure that as many people as possible would hear him.

I rolled my eyes at his antics. "Yeah, I probably didn't miss you that much either." We dodged a group of people hugging each other, heading for the exit. "How was the flight?"

"You know, every time I don't get first class tickets, I think I'm better than the pretentious douche bag that do," Josh started to rant, "I don't need a hot towel and a private bathroom. I can sit with the common folks. And every time I fucking do this, I regret it. I could afford it. Why am I sitting with my knees up to my chin in a cramped seat with some random person napping against my shoulder? For short domestic flights, it's fine, but I can't be crossing oceans anymore in economics. I have learned. Never again."

"So, I take it the flight did not go well," I said as we stepped outside, heading to the parking.

"The flight went fiiiine. I napped on the shoulder of the very kind lady sitting beside me."

"Of course you did." I rolled my eyes at him. "Did you have fun?"

"That trip was not for fun-having. It was for spiritual growth."

"And did you grow spiritually?"

"Yes, my self importance grew tenfold."

I guessed this was as much information Josh was going to give me for now.

He was jet lagged and coming back from a fifteen-hour flight. I didn't take it personally.

Josh yawned, stretching his arms over his head. "How was Christmas with the family?"

I smiled at that question. "Really nice. Lexi fitted right in. We missed you though. Grandma would have wanted you to be there," I told him.

I wanted him to remember that even if he didn't feel at home with his own family, he would always have mine to fall back on.

"I went to see them, you know, before leaving," he said softly.

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