Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Lexi put on her playlist while I drove us to the restaurant for the first part of our date.

            The restaurant I had picked was a little further out of town, so we had a bit of driving to do, but it was fine. It was still early and, in the end, the important part of a date with Lexi was spending time with her, so a longer car ride was just working in my favour here.

            And Lexi was playing her greatest hits, making sure she could sing as loud as she wanted.

            Right now, Depeche Mode's Enjoy the Silence was playing and we were both shouting the chorus together. We were both awful singers, so neither of us could complain about the other.

But what we lacked in talent we made up in enthusiasm. 

We sang loudly and goofed around and messed up the lyrics and had fun like the two silly teenagers we were.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going to eat now?" Lexi eventually asked between two songs. "Because if you bring us back to that first restaurant you'd faked out last time I'm not going to be happy."

"Why?" I asked, chuckling.

"I'm wearing jeans," she whined, "Also, need I remind you? Tiny portions."

I grinned at her, wanting to pat her head. "I love how consistent you are. It's comforting."

"Stop dodging and answer me."

I liked to tease my girlfriend, but I'd rather have her happy, so I complied with her pressing demand. "I found us a pasta buffet. It's Italian and it's a buffet. So, I can almost sound romantic with the Italian part, but I know you'll be please with the fact that this is a buffet so you'll be able to eat to your heart's content."

She grinned, patting my cheek. "You know me so well."

"Get ready though. This is out first date and it's a beginner one. I'm gonna be bringing you to a super fancy and romantic restaurant at one point," I warned her, my voice teasing.

My Pumpkin scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest, not on board with that idea apparently. "Are you going to bring me to a clothing shop first so you can buy be a fancy dress, because I have nothing that would fit in a fancy restaurant."

"I can do that."

She arrowed her eyes at me. "I was joking."

I grinned back. "I wasn't."

"It's gonna be a pain being your girlfriend," she whined, making me laugh.

"But I have an amazing chest, so it's worth it in the end."

"You're really lucky to have your chest."

"I thank my stars every day for it," I replied dramatically.

A few minutes later, I parked my car in front of the restaurant and we made our way inside.

Lexi was practically jumping up and down on the spot, excited about the prospect of stuffing her face.

We got our table quickly and then headed for the buffet. Lexi almost looked at all the food with more love in her eyes than she did me.

It was fine. I knew my girlfriend.

We both sat down at our table with our overflowing plates and dug in, grinning at each other.

            "So?" I said, after a few minutes of us just stuffing our faces in silence.

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