Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

I ate dinner at Josh's place, after texting my Mom and telling her not to worry about my not coming home.

Josh made a point of not talking about Kendall again, and making sure I wasn't going to think about this any more.

I'd done enough of it for today.

Now, I needed to change my mind.

We ate pizza and Josh talked about his trip and how his project with Todd was going.

I joked about him liking Todd more than me, and it felt good to feel slightly more light hearted for a moment.

It made it easier for me not to think about the whole Kendall stuff.

After dinner, Josh cleaned up and I went on the second floor of his place and looked around his records, wanting to play something up beat.

There was a big desk where his turntable was and one it there was a box with a pile of drawing in it.

I picked up one sheet, curious.

It was a black cat, but it wasn't in Josh' s usual style. I liked it. I kinda looked like a sketch, with something, almost abstract about it.

I rummage through the box, finding more drawings and paintings. There was a lot of aquarelles, all with this light, almost sketch like quality to them.

They were all signed J. Josh never signed any of his art, so I wondered if this was a box of old stuff.

He came up the stairs at the moment, with a cup in his hand.

"Did you make these? They're not your usual style. They're really nice," I asked.

"Huh?" Josh just mumbled, sipping on his tea.

"These?" I asked again, taking one of the drawings and shaking it at him.

Josh' eyes widened, and he kind of froze. "Oh."

"What?" I asked, frowning and a little confused.

"Fuck," he just said and sat down on the ground.

Yeah, that didn't look suspicious at all.

"What?" I pressed. Why was he reacting like this? Had he stole art from someone and now I was going to be an accomplice to his crime?

He looked like he was debating on what he was going to say, and I was getting more and more worried by the second. "I didn't do these," Josh finally admitted softly, looking up at me from sitting on the ground.

"Isn't this your signature?" I asked, pointing to the J.

"It's Jay's," he whispered.

I kinda froze. He'd spoken too softly. I had misheard him. I had to. "What?"

"Those drawing are Jayden's." Josh said more clearly.

"What?" I just said again, because... well because this made no fucking sense.

"Jayden made these," Josh repeated.

I felt like my heart had stopped beating. Like something huge had been dropped on me and I was just crushed under it.

This couldn't be true.

"Wait? Are you serious?" I looked at him, waiting for him to say it as a joke and he was messing around with me.

"Very serious," Josh replied, getting up.

I blinked slowly, feeling like I might cry suddenly. "It's not a funny joke Josh."

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