Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I was probably in shock right now, that was why my brain couldn't process anything Alex had just told me.

It was impossible that Lexi had liked me when we were kids. She couldn't have felt what I had felt the day we met.

The first time we'd met for me, it had been the first time in so long that someone had smiled my way with something other than sympathy behind the action.

After losing my brother, sympathy and condolence were the only things I received.

My family was sad. My best friend was devastated.

Joy was a scarce commodity at that time in the Eaton household.

But little Lexi had smiled my way with none of that.

And my fate had been sealed in that moment.

I hadn't known her then, so I wouldn't have been able to tell if her smile was particular, if that smile hadn't been usual.

I just remembered thinking that the expression in English for love at first sight was lacking. The French had it right. Coup de foudre. A lightning strike.

Falling for Lexi had been like lightning striking me. It wasn't so much the violence of it, but rather the speed. And the magic behind it.

But I'd always believe this was one sided.

And now Alex was telling me she'd had a crush on me on that first day?


I couldn't deal with that kind of information.

I was going to need to call Doctor Boseman, my therapist for an emergency session.

Lexi had walked up to us at this point, slipping her hand in mine. "So? Is the crisis adverted, or am I gonna have to pick a side in this fight?" she joked.

Alex grinned while I was still in a state of shock. "I've forgiven your silly boyfriend, but I better be the best man or a bridesmaid at your wedding."

"No promises," Lexi replied, rolling her eyes.

She'd like me? Back then? Back when we were just eleven?


"Look, I'm just happy that you're happy. That's really all that matters to me," Alex told Lexi, the two of them unaware of my internal meltdown.

"I really don't get why everyone is making this into a big deal," Daphnee just snorted. She'd been standing close to Lexi. "Weren't you two already dating?"

Lexi rolled her eyes again.

Her friends were looking at me like I was an idiot.

"Come on Alex, let's leave the two lovebirds together so they can make out against lockers," Daphnee said, and linked her arm with Alex's, trying to get him to skip away with her.

The sight would have made me chuckle had I not been still in shock.

"You okay?" Lexi asked me, a hand on my arm.


She made an apologetic face. "Was the talk that bad?"

I frowned. "What?"

"Did Alex rip you a new one?

I slapped a hand on my forehead. "Oh? That? No, it was fine, he accepted my apologies right away. No, I have another problem here. Did you have a crush on me when we were eleven years old?" I asked my girlfriend.

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