Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

Friday night was football night.

And unfortunately, even with all out preparation, we weren't good enough.

Coach was fuming by the sidelines and I could already hear him scream during out next meeting. We were going to get demolish when he was going to go over each play.

I was barely able to break though our offensive line because they kept being blocked by our rivals' defensive linemen.

Alex passes kept not reaching the receivers.

And our defense was... well to put it plainly, pathetic.

I managed to score one touchdown and it was probably more a struck of luck then my actual talent.

The game ended at 48 to 14 for the other team.

The fact that this was probably the last home game made this whole thing suck a lot more than a loss normally would.

But it was fine. I was trying not to let it get to me too much. I was trying not to become too melancholic about the reality that my whole football experience was about to stop very soon, and I was going to go through more and more last times.

After we were done with the handshakes, and our friends and families could join us on the field, I kind of froze in place when I realized who was walking my way.

It wasn't just Lexi today. My parents and Josh were with her.

They hadn't told me they were coming today. I had implied I wanted them here. But I hadn't actually thought they would pull through.

I understood that seeing me play football was hard for them.

So, I was quite surprised to say the least.

"Hey guys, wow... that's... wow," I started to ramble, once they were within earshot.

"You were right. This is important, so we should be there," my mother replied with a smile.

It was really weird to see them here. Seeing them at museum made sense. Not at high school football game.

"Thank you," I replied, and hugged her, kind of forgetting I was angry for a second, too shocked to see them on this field with me.

"You did good out there, son," my father said, and I hugged him too.

I hugged Josh too, and then Lexi, and she stayed by my side. "You don't need to lie, it wasn't my best performance. It was probably the worst night in terms of getting tackled," I replied, chuckling, feeling a little awkward and not prepared for this interaction.

These were parents. I should really not feel this weird.

"At least they didn't hit you full force while you were running," my father pointed out.

I winced a little, making Lexi chuckle beside me. "I know how it sounds to you, but it sounds bad to me."

"If we were superstitious, I'd have to say this might be our fault," my mother said, looking a little guilty.

I just smiled back at her. "It's fine, we were already kind of ready for that outcome."

"Either way, you played well," she replied.

"How do you know?" I asked, a little teasingly.

I wasn't sure they actually even knew the rules of football.

"Lexi was quite helpful in filling the gaps in what we needed to know," my mother explained.

I looked at my girlfriend, and she just gave a little smile. I squeezed her a little more tightly against my side.

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