Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

It was a good thing I had the foresight of bringing more than a couple of change of clothes, shoes included.

In my wet clothes, getting more and more frozen by the second, I ran back to Cameron's car and got into my sweatpants and hoodie.

He'd left the key in the ignition so I started his car and blasted the heat at full force, rubbing my hands together and blowing on them, my whole body shaking.

            Lexi was going to have to pay for this. I had no idea how yet, but she was going to pay. Heavily.

The guys had followed me here, to make fun of me of course, while the culprit of my predicament was still no where to be seen.

She'd probably found a patch of trees to hide behind.

I was going to murder her.

Also, I was pretty sure they were trying to stay away from the water in case someone else wanted to reenact Lexi's brilliant idea.

Mark and Dwayne started to take things out of the cars, while the twins were just grinning gleefully at me, enjoying this way too much.

The girls had stayed behind, probably trying to find Lexi to potentially protect her from me.


"So, while the ladies are away, mind telling us how serious it is between you two?" I asked Cameron, wanting them to stop laughing at me and get their attention off of me.

He'd brought Ashley to the Creek. This was cause for questioning.

All the guys gathered around as I asked that question.

They were all huge gossips when it came to that sort of stuff. I was sure the guys had been gossiping behind my back when Lexi and I were getting together before.

Cameron shrugged. "I don't know yet."

"How can you not know?" I asked him. He'd invited her here, after all. That was a serious thing. He'd never invited any other girls here before.

The twin rolled his eyes at me. "You have no right to question any of my romantical decisions you dramatic modern-day Romeo."

"How am I a modern-day Romeo?" I snorted.

"Please, we all know you'd drink the poison without even thinking about it for a second, long enough to realize it's goddamn stupid," Peter answered for him.

Wait, did they all think that?

I looked at the guys gathered around. They were all kind of nodding.


"I did not come here to get attacked like this," I said, and pouted.

"Don't cry baby," Trevor crooned, patting my cheek.

I swatted his hand away and asked his brother, "Anyway, stop dodging the question. What's up?"

Cameron rolled his eyes at me. "What's up is I like her and I want to spend more time with her and the ultimate test for any girl in general is to bring her here if I want to know whether or not she'll get along with the gang."

"Also, then we can all analyse her and decide if she is worthy of your affections," Mark added with a grin, playing the eternal father figure of our group.

"Precisely," Dwayne nodded in agreement.

"The most important thing for now is to make sure she does not fall for Trevor instead of you," Jimmy added.

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