Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I woke with Lexi tucked to my side. She still seemed to be sleeping soundly, her breathing even.

I was still not getting used to it. Like, this wasn't normal. It felt right. But it wasn't normal either.

Also, I was kind of proud of myself. So far, I hadn't been totally unhinged every time I'd woken up beside my girlfriend.

Honestly, I was sure I would have been a total horny wreck.

Was it an accumulation of exhaustion? Or was it something else? My medication had side effects after all.

I was suddenly feeling a little restless, and like I needed to move. I hadn't ran in a few days now.

Maybe I should go do that. It would make me feel like things were normal again. As normal as having the love of my life in my bed was.

Unfortunately, my stirring woke Lexi up. "Where are you going?" she asked in a sleepy voice, her eyes barely opened.

"I'm going for a run on the treadmill," I replied, kissing her forehead.

"A run? Why?" she said, making a grimace, like I was mad.

I chuckled. "I haven't in a little while. My legs are feeling restless."

"You're my boyfriend, I love you, but god you're weird sometimes," she mumbled, barely comprehensible.

I kept laughing, and kissing her forehead again. "Thanks. I'll be back soon."

"I'll be right here," she mumbled, smothering her face in my pillows.

I grinned at her. Maybe I should just stay in bed. Maybe I should just keep cuddling her forever.

I stayed like this, looking down at her with a smile for a few more seconds, and then hyped myself up, got up, changed quickly in my closet and headed to our home gym.

Lexi was still going to be in my bed when I would be back. And I hadn't ran in a while. My legs needed it.

Sure, the few days rest had been a good thing after all the running I did during our time apart. But now I was ready to get back to my normal schedule. Part of me kinda just wanted the last couple of weeks to disappear, to act like all the bad stuff hadn't happened, but I also understood it was something I had needed to grow as a person, and that would ultimately help with my mental health. I wasn't sure I would have said yes to medication before.

People with diabetes had to take their insulin and people with mental health problems had to take the proper medication. I had to stop thinking of my bipolar disorder as something I could work my way out of on my own, and start treating as what it was. An illness. And it wasn't a bad thing to have an illness. There was nothing wrong with having any type of illnesses. You had no control over that stuff.

I needed to make my peace with that. I had no real control over everything wrong with my head, except for this.

I ran for maybe half an hour, going at a steady pace, never into full sprint, just a comfortable jog, allowing my head to be empty for a little while.

It was still fairly early, like six thirty in the morning early, so when I went back to my room, I had expected my Pumpkin to still be sleeping in my bed.

After all, she wasn't exactly a morning person.

I was wrong.

Lexi was sitting on the floor in front of the table on the library level of my room.

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