Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

We all ended up falling asleep in Josh's living room, which was definitely not the best spot to get a good night sleep.

I woke up around six in the morning my neck killing me from the weird angle had I slept in.

Josh was lying down on the ground, Tyler was snoring, his arms and legs wrapped around a pile of throw pillows, Lexi was on the couch, sleeping on her stomach, her hand dangling from the side, holding mine.

And I'd fallen asleep sitting on the ground, back against the couch.

I definitely could have planned this better.

My stirring woke up my Pumpkin, who yawned, stretching her arms, and letting go of my hand in the process.

"Ugh, what time is it?" Lexi whispered, rubbing her tired eyes.

"Six," I replied just as softly.

"This is wrong. I need to fall back asleep immediately. Just not on this couch. My back hurts, and I can't feel my arm," Lexi whined, shaking the arm that had been squished between her body and the couch.

"Josh has a spare room," I pointed out.

"Over my dead body," Josh suddenly said. I guessed he hadn't been sleeping after all. "You two are not going to go hide away to play sniff the clam."

Lexi's reaction was automatic. "Eeeeew, what the fuck?"

"Gross gross sister," Tyler mumbled from the couch, obviously awake too.

"Jesus Christ..." I groaned, pressing a hand to the back of my neck, stretching it, with my eyes closed, slightly discouraged.

"If anyone gets dibbs on the spare bed, it's me," Tyler continued.

"And why is that exactly?" Lexi asked, slightly glaring at her brother.

Tyler was unaffected and grinned back at his sister. "Because I actually knew there was one, because I've slept on it already."

Lexi frowned. "What?"

"As I've mentioned, I've probably been here more often that you," Tyler added, his grin getting bigger.

"It's not a competition," Lexi told her brother, while rolling her eyes.

"You're saying that because you're NOT WINNING IT!" Tyler shouted, pumping his hands in the air.

"Fraaaaack. My poor ears," Lexi whined, covering them.

"Chill, baby, chill," Josh said, grabbing Miss Puss in passing to pet her.

"Only because you asked so nicely," Tyler replied, smooshing his lips at him.

I was the one to roll my eyes at their antics this time.

"You should all leave now, so I can properly sleep in my bed," Josh told us.

"You want us to leaaaave?" Tyler asked a little bit too dramatically.

It was really surprising that these two hadn't started to hang out together sooner.

Maybe this was why it had been so easy to get along with the youngest Grayson. He and Josh were too much alike.

"Yes, I want you all to leave so I CAN SLEEP IN MY BED," Josh yelled too.

"Why is everyone screaming in the morning?" Lexi whined.

"I don't know Pumpkin, I really don't know," I whined back.

"Shoo! Shoo! Out. All of you. Out!" Josh continued, sitting on the floor, but making big hand movements."

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