Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

How I managed to function like a normal human being for the rest of the day was a mystery to me.

Lexi had plans with Daphnee in the afternoon, so after getting breakfast from Anita, Lexi was on her merry way, acting like everything was fine and dandy and no big deal.

I had no plans for the rest of the day. Maybe I needed to have a meeting with Doctor Boseman so I could just pace around his room and freak out.

I was... not okay.

Like, I was okay, but I was also not okay, and ohmygod.

So, instead of letting myself freak out more, and actually deal with what had just happened, I called Josh.

The phone barely had time to ring one and he answered. "Finally."

I rolled my eyes, letting myself all on the couch on my room. "You're being overly dramatic."

"I am not! I am being a concerned best friend," Josh whined on the other end of the line.

"Did you have an actual reason to spam me with calls?" I asked, letting out a slightly exasperated breath.

It was good that Josh felt like it was back to normal. But back to normal Josh was always an adventure.

"Did you enjoy my present?" Josh asked, and I could just hear the cheeky grin he must have on his face right now.

"The present stayed in its box," I replied deadpan.

"I didn't ask you if you used it, I asked if you enjoyed it," Josh pressed being an absolute pest.

"You're unsufferable, you know that right?" I whined.

Josh ignored my whining, clearly enjoying my suffering too much. "Did you explain to Lexi why specifically I gave her that present?"

"No, I did not."

"I think it would be the perfect bonding experience, to share this story with her," he continued, his voice absolutely wicked.

"Why exactly do you seem to enjoy my suffering this much?" I whined again.

"Blake Eaton, you're an adult in a relationship. These are the kinds of things you need to talk with your partner. If you can't have honest conversations about your likes and dislikes and expectations, you shouldn't be in a relationship with anyone," Josh lectured me.

"You're really annoying."

"I always am. And I'm always right too."

"You are absolutely not always right."

"Okay, so maybe I wasn't right when I said that ­­­Taylor Swift and Joe Jonas were going to be forever, but for this, I am right."

I changed conversation, because I didn't want to actually give him the satisfaction. I was not going to tell him he was right. Even if he was.

"Anyway, enough about me. How are you?"

"I'm fine. I'm great. I'm the picture of sanity," he replied quickly, not convincing at all.

"Is absolutely something an insane person would say."

"Thanks," Josh chuckled, and then changed conversation too. "You didn't get hurt during the football game? How many are left now? Two? Three?"

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