Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

I slept peacefully with my girlfriend in my arms.

It would have been a perfect way to wake up if it hadn't been for the fact that I was jolted awake by a phone rigging.

I tried ignoring it, as if acting like it didn't exist could make it go away.

Unfortunately, life didn't work like this.

Lexi was waking up, and I could feel her fingers brushing against my side, which just made me hug her tighter.

"Is it yours?" Lexi asked me softly.

I yawned, a little ticked off that I'd been robbed of this peaceful sleep, and kissed the top of my Pumpkin's head. "Yeah," I replied weakly.

"Aren't you going to answer it?" she asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"No," I replied with a chuckle. The phone stopped ringing. Sweet peace again.

I wasn't a fool though. I knew it wasn't over, because I knew exactly who was annoying enough to call me in the morning.

And Josh was a relentless bastard.

Lexi sat up a bit, looking at me with the sweetest smile, making my whole chest ache, and stroked my cheek. I grabbed her hand, kissing her palm.

I wasn't sure, how exactly it was possible to love someone this much. Just waking up next to her was setting my heart on fire.

I kept wondering if I would ever get used to it. I really didn't think I would. Loving Lexi and being loved by her would always feel wonderfully impossible.

Lexi intertwined our fingers together, and let herself fall back on my chest, hugging me tightly, our hands pressed between our chests.

I really really wanted to kiss her.

My phone started to ring again.

"I'm going to smash that phone," I grumbled while Lexi asked, "seriously, who is it?" her tone amused.

I wasn't that amused.

I was more like annoyed.

I let my annoyance show on my face, and answered my girlfriend. "It's Josh. I was supposed to call him yesterday."

Josh wanted me to check in with him after every football game. I'd been too busy to call him, so now he was being his annoying self, even though he clearly knew what I'd been doing yesterday. He could cut me some slack.

Annoying me was entertaining him.

I lifted myself a bit, to reach for my phone on my nightstand, my arm still around my Pumpkin, not letting go of her.

It felt like if I let go of her, she was going to get out of bed and start her day, and I didn't want to get out of bed yet.

I wanted to stay here for a little while longer.

With her chin on my chest, while looking up at me, Lexi pointed out, "if you don't answer he's probably going to drop by."

She was not wrong. Josh definitely had a flair for the dramatics.

"I hate him," I just stated, and answered the call. "Yeah?"

"Blake why haven't you called me," Josh all but shrieked in my ear.

Ugh. He was lucky I was in a good mood and, that apparently, he was my best friend and I liked him. There was less of that liking at the moment though.

I let out an exasperate breath, running a hand over my face, Lexi still laying on my chest, looking amused. "Just calm the fuck down Josh. I'm alright okay, stop freaking!"

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