Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

"Lexi, Pumpkin, love, you can put the flower down, you know," I told my girlfriend as we sat down in class.

She was holding on to the rose I had given her in her left hand and putting her things on her desk with her right.

"No, no, I can't," she replied, taking out a book from her school bag, "I can't put it down, I don't want to ruin the petals."

"It's not that fragile."

"Are you sure? Sure, sure, sure?" she asked arranging everything on her desk. "Because if it loses a single petal, I will be very put out and you don't want to make me sad on Valentine's Day, do you?"

"And I'm the one that's apparently dramatic in this relationship?" I snorted. "Am I going to have to hold it while you go to the bathroom too?"

Lexi just glared at me a little, as class started.

I took the flower from her hand, and slipped it in the side pocket of my school bag, making sure it was standing straight and nothing would happen to its precious petals.

"See? Aren't I just a great boyfriend?"

Lexi didn't answer and just pressed a finger to her lips to shush me.

I rolled my eyes, but complied.

The rest of the day was more of that. Lexi freaking out for no reason. Part of me wondered of this was a small preview of how it would be having children with her.

I should have known she would be overprotective like this.

After class I dropped off Lexi and her brother at their house and then went to pick up Anita's picnic at home, I quickly changed and then went back to pick up my girlfriend.

Lexi had changed into a cute red top, very on theme with the celebration.

"So, what's the plan Blakey-Boy?" my Pumpkin asked as I drove away from her house.

"We're going on a picnic my dear," I announced enthusiastically, not giving away all of my plan at once.

"A picnic!"

"Yes, we've got our little feast in the back," I said, and pointed to the basket sitting on the backseat.

"Anita cooked all of this, right?" she asked me, looking a little skeptical.

I chuckled at her expression. "What? Are you disappointed I didn't?"

"No, I'd be scared if you did," she admitted, her tone relieved.

I pressed a hand to my heart. "I'm hurt."

"The kitchen would also be hurt if you cooked," she automatically replied. I laughed at her quick response. "Where are we going anyway?" she asked.

Oh, she was insulting my cooking and now she wanted to know the plans? That was definitely not happening.

"Noooot teeelling," Pumpkin," I said in a sing-song voice to tease her. But I also took her hand in mine and kissed the back of it.

"Come oooon," she whined, impatient as always and then pressed a quick kiss to my shoulder. I smiled contently at the contact.


"Nope? Just nope?"

"Yes. Nope."

"You can tell me!" she pleaded, making an adorable pout. "I swear I won't tell anyone else. It'll be our little secret. I'm great at keeping secrets."

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