Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

Josh hung out with me a bit more after breakfast. He mostly just rambled on about his latest art project.

We stayed clear of Jayden. I felt like he didn't really want us to talk about it again. It might not be the best thing to bring up sad things over and over, after all.

It was good. It felt like everything was normal. Like everything would be okay. We could talk more about Jayden and his feelings later. I wasn't going to push him. I was going to let him open up at his own pace.

After Josh left, I went for a run, enjoying the break from my thoughts. Even if I was going to stop playing football soon, I would never stop running.

Lexi came over to my house after dinner.

"So, what are our evening plans?" my Pumpkin asked, as soon as she walked in, her eyes a little too wicked for my sanity.

She clearly needed to be distracted.

"Well, I thought we could watch a movie here, and this time it wouldn't have to be one of Josh's disgusting suggestions," I offered.

Luckily, as always, my girlfriend was easily distracted so she clapped her hands together, saying, "Oh, movie night!"

I chuckled at her contagious enthusiasm."Yes."

"Any movie in particular?" she asked as I offered her my hand, and we started to walk in the direction of the home theater.

"Whatever you want," I told her with a smile. Anything but Human Centipede really.

"Do you have any Judith Garland movies? Aside from Wizard of Oz? I kinda want to watch an old movie."

"Let's go see," I replied.

In the end, we decided on Girl Crazy and settled in front of the screen.

As always, Lexi's focus was a hundred percent in front of her, so that was a good thing. I didn't have to fight off her advance. She just cuddled into me and watched the screen, engrossed with the movie, looking like she was having the time of her life.

It was really so easy to make Lexi Grayson happy. She was a good example for me, at finding happiness in the simplest things.

Once the movie was over, it was already getting quite late, so we went back to my room hand in hand.

We brushed our teeth side by side, as we usually did.

Lexi took her shower after that, while I wanted in my room.

Well, paced really.

Because I was debating whether I should man up or not.

Finally, before it was too late, I decided to just do it.

I knocked on the door of the bathroom, and asked, loudly enough so Lexi could hear, "Huh, Pumpkin, can I come in?"

"I'm not done yet," she replied in a rush, "give me another like two minutes!"

I could hear the shower running. I cracked the door open so she could hear me clearly. Anyway, I couldn't see anything with the way the bathroom was set up. "Actually, I wanted to talk about something with you... and I just thought since you've been pestering me about having our conversations naked, than maybe I should indulge you on this."

She poked her head out of the shower, hair wet, some shampoo still in it. "Wait, are you serious?"

"I never joke about getting naked."

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