Chapter 76

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Chapter 76

My unpleasant confrontation with my parents almost felt like a lifetime away.

I had been trying very hard to put it past me. I didn't exactly forgive them for what they had done, but being angry with them wasn't going to change anything now.

I wanted to be happy. And I wanted things to get back to normal. A good normal.

So, in the spirit of trying to have things back to normal, I agreed when my mother asked to have Lexi over for dinner.

Lexi was eating at my house all the time, but it usually was Anita's dishes taken to my room, or eaten at the end of a counter in the kitchen.

She hadn't eaten at the dinning room table in months.

Hell, I hadn't been eating with them in the dinning room either.

I wanted things to be normal again. If I repeated this enough, I could convince myself.

I didn't need to forgive them for what they let happen with Kendall. I didn't need to forget. But I could learn to move past it.

My parents were humans. They weren't perfect. They made mistakes. They were trying to make up for it.

And I didn't have it in me to keep fighting.

Being mad at them forever wouldn't change anything, but it would keep me in a negative headspace, and I needed to stop doing that.

So, that was how we ended up sitting around the table with a meal prepared for us by Anita.

She wasn't there that night because she had some girls' night planned with her friends.

I was pretty sure she had planned that evening out in consequences to the dinner.

She knew what was going on between me and my parents. She wanted to dodge the potential trainwreck.

So, she missed the first ten minutes my parents spent praising her cooking while my girlfriend politely agreed with them.

"Did you hear there's a big snowstorm coming up tomorrow. I cancelled my appointments just to be safe," my father then said, steering away from Anita's praising time.

"Maybe school will be out? I heard on the radio it's gonna snow all night and all day, and lots of wind," my mother continued.

Ohmygod. Were we really talking about the weather? Had my parents become weather talking people? Small talk people?

Where was Josh when you needed him?

This was the proof we should not have company if Josh was not also in the room.

Without him around, this family fell back to talking about banalities.

There were absolutely no worlds where a conversation with Josh would need to steer to talking about weather.

Maybe I needed to be the one that was loud and inappropriate if Josh couldn't do it.

"Are you guys seriously talking about the weather?" I asked.

Lexi just pressed her lips together beside me, keeping her thoughts to herself.

"What's wrong with talking about the weather?" my father asked.

"Not any weather! A snowstorm!" my mother added.

"The weather is a very popular topic of conversation," Dad continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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