Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

"Clark is still brooding in the corner," Dwayne pointed out as me and most of my teammates were lying on the ground after drills at the end of football practice.

"Maybe Clark needs a dick in his mouth to feel better," Trevor said.

"Jesus Christ, Trevor, knock it off," his brother answered, kicking him.

Trevor was unaffected. "Did he hear me? Do you think he heard me?"

"Are you working tonight?" I asked Fred, ignoring my idiot friends.

"I'm actually off," Fred replied, letting out a relieved sigh. "I'm going to make dinner for Jean and help her with her homework and then maybe try to do some of mine and go to sleep at a reasonable hour," he said with a big grin and the looked at me, "Sometimes I really wish I could function like you with little to no sleep."

I snorted. "One of the only perks of being me."

Trevor heard that and wasn't having it. "Boohoo, look at the poor hot guy with his pretty girlfriend crying about his life."

Objects were thrown in his general direction after that comment.

"Hey Trevor, one day someone is gonna murder you in your sleep," Mark said.

"It's going to be me," Cameron replied, "and I'm going to pretend to be him from time to time so people think he's still alive and no one ever finds out. That's the plot to my own twin movie."

"Love it. Looking forward to it," Jimmy laughed.

"Alright, come on guys, let's get up so we can leave this hell," Alex said, playing captain.

"Shhhhh, don't say that too loudly. Otherwise, Coach will hear you and we'll suffer the consequences," Connor whined.

Speaking of Coach, he got to me before I could get in the locker room. "Blake, see me in my office for a bit," he said with his typical stern expression.

I always assumed I was going to get scolded every time he wanted to talked to me, so I followed him, feeling worried.

"What's up?" I asked as soon as we were in his office, and I sat down.

"That's what I wanted to ask you. How are you feeling?" he asked me, sitting at his desk.

"Pretty good," I replied honestly. I hadn't had any headaches lately, and aside from the sleep deprivation today, which was entirely my own fault, I felt as good as I could feel.

"Enough to play on Friday?"

"Yeah, I think so," I nodded. We didn't have that many games left in the season. I didn't want to miss any more.


"That's up to you Coach," I replied automatically.

"That was the right answer," he said, chuckling and then got up. "We'll see how practice goes this week and we'll go from there."

"Thanks Coach," I replied, getting up too. That had been quick.

"Alright, get out now," he said shooing me away.

I nodded thanking him, and headed back to the locker room.

I took a quick shower and left.

"Hey, it looks like it's going to be super nice weather this weekend. How about we go one last time at the Creek. We need to put away our stuff for the winter too," Mark said as we were walking out together.

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