Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

Too soon, the holiday break was over, and it was back to school.

We were already half way through the year. Too soon, high school would be over. This had been our last Christmas holiday as high school students.

As the end grew nearer, everything was going to be a new last.

The mood was already different as I walked in the halls, on my way to my locker. People were either stressing about college or excited about it.

Some people who had their shit together and had sent early applications already had their acceptance letters.

I wasn't in those lucky few. And even if I had acceptance letters, I didn't think I would know what I was supposed to do either.

I wasn't sure how I was supposed to feel.

As I was ruminating these thoughts and taking things out of my locker, arms snaked around my waist. "What's got my Blakie-Shmoopie all gloomy?" Lexi asked, and I felt her kiss my back through my shirt.

I turned around in her embrace, and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Blakie-Shmoopie?"

Lexi grinned up at me, and got on her tip toes, pressing a quick kiss to my lips. "I'm trying out nicknames too."

"Scrap that one immediately," I replied dead-pan, making my Pumpkin chuckle.

"So, why the frowning?" she asked again, pressing her thumb between my eyebrows, like she was trying to smooth out the worry line.

I tilted my head, looking at her. "Was I frowning?"

My girlfriend nodded. "You were frowning."

"You know." I kinda shrugged like that answered it. "College."

"Ah, great." She nodded again. "We can frown together."

"It doesn't stress you out?" I asked her, because of her unusually cheery tone.

She shrugged, her arms still around me, looking up at me. "I decided that as long as I ignore it, it's not going to be a problem."

I chuckled, kissing the top of her head. "That's not how you fix problems."

"I'm not about fixing, I'm ignoring."

"Unfortunately, we can't ignore forever."

She made a grimace. "We're too young to make life long decisions like that. How about we fail all our classes and just retake our senior year? Wouldn't that be much more fun?"

Lexi and I, we didn't like change. It was nice to have things in common. But maybe not that specific thing.

"I don't think that's an option. Even if we failed all our classes now, I think we'd just graduate with really bad marks."

"You really want to make me frown with you, huh?"

"We should share everything," I agreed, chuckling, and then pressed my lips to hers.

"Glad to see you guys are still just as disgustingly in love with each other as you were before," one of the twins said, opening his locker.

"You think our love could diminish over a couple of weeks?" Lexi asked, gasping in fake shock.

"A guy can hope," the twin replied, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

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