Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

"No, no, Blake was scared of raccoons, not bears."

"He was also scared of bears though!"

"Pretty sure he shat his pants because he saw a raccoon once."

"I did not. Can you guys stop saying nonsense about me?" I snapped at my cousins, sitting in the living room after dinner.

We were done with cleaning up now, and the adults were mostly speaking together and my cousins had decided that this was the perfect time to make up stories.

"You were scared of raccoons though," Jacob, one of my older cousins said.

I knew what he was referring to.

"It was hiding in the trash bin!" I defended myself. "It threw the trash bin on the ground and I screamed. It was the middle of the night and we were playing hide and seek, and Jayden, Josh and Peyton had convinced me that there were ghosts around the house. I thought it was a ghost!"

"You were scared of bears too though, for no logical reason."

"Being scared of a bear is the logical reason. Bears are dangerous," I replied automatically. Why was everyone suddenly so interested in making a fool out of me?

I was positively glaring.

"Yes, Blake is very scared of bears. I've seen it firsthand," Lexi replied nonchalantly,

I gapped at her, betrayed. "What?"

She just grinned at me, while my cousins were positively beaming over this. "You ran away from bears even if it meant getting sticky spikes in your pants"

"You ran away too!" I shot back, reminded of my prank at the creek.

She shrugged, unfazed. "I was just following your lead."

I threw my head back, exasperated. "Ohmygod."

"But, I'm pretty sure he shat his pants though. Why was that, if it wasn't because of a raccoon?" Peyton continued, not letting go of that stupid nonsense.

I flipped him off. "I never shat my pants."

"No, no, I think you did," Peyton pressed.

"I think you did too," Victoria agreed.

"When I was a baby maybe," I grumbled.

"No, no, I think this was like..." Peyton narrowed his eyes, thinking, "too old to be acceptable."

"Jesus fucking Christ. I need a drink," I whined, just making my cousins cackle more.

"It's funny, everyone always gangs up on you," Lexi teased me, leaning her shoulder against mine.

"I'm such an easy punching bag," I replied, kind of curling up against her, ready to lean my head against her lap.

I got a cushion thrown in my face.

"Ew, ew, get away from each other. Groooooss," Lucas yelled, while my other cousins were even more amused.

The commotion kind of made the adults realized it was getting late though.

"Alright, well, I'm beat. I'm going to bed," one of my uncles announced, his wife following him.

"Should we go watch a horror movie downstairs?" one of my younger cousins asked.

"I don't want to hear you guys screaming while I sleep," Jacob said, making a face.


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