Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"You know, it was cute and all, the fact that these two finally got together, but now I don't know, seeing them like this... I'm losing my appetite."

"Right? The unrequited thing was funnier to watch from afar. The lovey dovey stuff is kinda gross up close."

"We can hear you, you know?" I told the twins, as we all sat around a table in the cafeteria during lunch break.

Lexi was sitting beside me, one of her legs thrown over my lap, and she kept kissing my shoulder in between each bite of her food. I timed myself right a couple of times to turn my head at the exact moment to kiss her on the lips.

And I was smiling at her like a moron.

"Yeah, that's exactly the point," Cameron answered, and gagged for dramatic effect.

"Stop the kissing, it's gross, we're trying to eat," Trevor added, his mouth full of food.

"Your face is gross," I replied, a little absentmindedly, because Lexi had just kissed my shoulder again.

"Look at what Lexi has reduced him too, already unable to form coherent, clever comebacks," Dwayne said with an amused grin.

Grand coming from him, when he'd been basically the same when he started to date Janna. I didn't say that though. There was nothing that was going to bring me down from my high of being Lexi's boyfriend.

"Yeah, he can't form comebacks, only wants to come on a back now," Clark said, and that suddenly got a violent reaction from everyone around the table.

"EW! EW!"




And now the guys were just yelling incoherently basically pushing Clark away and slapping him, which just seem to satisfy him.

I ignored them, and especially Clark. I was done wasting time on him.

"Maybe we should reduce the public display of affections. It can be a little annoying for people around," Lexi told me, as she ate some of her salad.

"Hey! I won those privileges fair and square! I'm not about to have them taken away from me now."

Lexi chuckled at my outburst. "Privileges?"

"Yes, my kissing privileges, and holding hand, and hugging privileges," I explained, feeling like a pouty child that had been promised ice cream.

"It's really wonderful, that fact that Blake Eaton can be this adorable. I never would have known."

"I'm not adorable, I'm freaking hot."

"That too," Lexi replied, her eyes fixing on my chest.

I laughed. "Jesus, how can someone be this obsessed with a chest? It's really baffling."

"You got a good chest," my Pumpkin admitted, never actually looking away.

"Obviously. I hope you're not gawking at every chest you see. I hope mine is quite special."

"I'm gonna fucking barf, seriously you guys, stop this," Cameron whined.

I just looked at Lexi, tilting my head a little with a smile. She chuckled at my expression and pressed a quick peck to my lips, making all the guys complain around the table again.

"So? Is anyone going to mention anything about Alex? Are we just supposed to act like nothing happened this weekend?" Clark asked in between getting slightly beaten up.

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