Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

I was sightly satisfied with myself as I left my girlfriend behind.

            That'll teach her to flirt with other guys in front of me.

It was fine when she was acting a lil too friendly with our friend group, because well, bro code. But this Jeff dude was a whole other story. I did not know him.

Lexi was so amazing. For all I knew he had an all-consuming crush on my girlfriend and he was putting away super amazing and rare albums for her just so he could win her heart.

I didn't doubt my girlfriend. I just understood her appeal all too well.

I trusted her. I didn't trust other guys, especially ones I didn't know and I'd never heard of before.

"Hey, come back here, you little bitch," my girlfriend called behind me, making me chuckle and caught up with me easily.

"Ah yes, my actual pet name," I said, my tone just a tiny bit sour.

My Pumpkin rolled her eyes at me, slipping her hand into mine. "You're taking this whole pet name way too seriously."

"Because my pet name for you is absolutely awesome."

She rolled her eyes again. "Sure, sure."

"It iiiiis," I whined.

"Pumpkin, one of the most generic pet name to exist."

I gapped at her. "It's because you're my Great Pumpkin! Like in Charlie Brown."

Lexi looked at me with narrowed eyes, not getting the metaphor. "I'm not real?"

"No, you're what I have faith in, above all else, and I'm ready to wait for you in a pumpkin patch until you'll appear."

Lexi shook her head, unimpressed. She was definitely doing this to annoy me "See, this is where seeing metaphors everyone can become a problem."

"It's a beautiful nickname, with a beautiful meaning."

"You tried about a dozen pet names before you stuck with that one. It's really not that special."

I stopped walking, and pulled my girlfriend to a stop too. "What? Are you implying that my calling you Pumpkin is not special?" I gapped in disbelief.

Lexi grinned and lifted on her tiptoes, pressing a quick kiss to my lips. "It really is so fun to mess with you," she said, her nose scrunched in amusement.

I glared at her, swatting her butt.

            Messing with me, just as I was messing with her. My naughty little Pumpkin.

            We rejoined our group of friends after that.

Our last stop was the book store, but before we headed there, we made a stop at the food court, unsurprisingly.

Lexi actually wanted food from three different places, and Vanessa and Alex orders were taking longer than everyone else, so Daphnee and I ended up sitting together at the table, waiting for everyone with our food.

"So. Are you seeing Josh?" I asked her with a grin, taking advantage of the fact it was just the two of us.

Daphnee grabbed a fry from my tray, and chewed it slowly. "Like what? Like a ghost?"

I rolled my eyes. "No, like a boyfriend."

She snorted, and grabbed another one of my fries. "Why would I be seeing him?"

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