Long Time No See

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🍷Hey! Yo! Long time no see 😩🙀. How have you been doing? Like Jayden Smith, I hope you have been talking about the economic and political state of the world? 😂😂🤣🤣🤔😏😊

I'm just here to do my routine, which is to ensure you're living life 😎🤠. For the months I was away, I've had cause to reevaluate my life. There's one conclusion I've reached, only God can be trusted.

Let me give you a run down of everything that has happened in my life so far:
1. Got to my final year but is currently held from graduating because of the ASUU strike,
2. Finished learning HTML and CSS programming languages,
3. Got my heart broken 😔,
4. Lost a dear friend to robbers 💔,
5. Became a member of the ADR Society in my school (nothing serious here),
6. Got my heart broken again (ahan! Should have know better 🙄),
7. Competed in a writing challenge (still hoping for the winner prize),
8. Did not get my heart broken for the third time 😛😛,
9. Became the secretary to the Chief Justice of my University's judiciary,
10. Surpassed my fear by speaking to a large congregation (even though I shook speaking and was almost a flop)
11. Became the assistant secretary to the youths in my church in Edo State,
12. Joined a mass choir,
13. Struggled with guilt and unforgiveness,
14. Struggled with not forgiving myself for doing somethings I should have know better to do,
15. Got wiser,
16. Sinned,
17. Sinned again,
18. Sinned again and again... 😪
19. Almost got involved in several accidents (but God saved me),
20. Been angry with God...

To others, these are normal daily activities.
To me, these are my blessings 🙏. They're nothing compared to others but they're still mine and it means I'm making progress no matter how little my steps are.

Same with you. When you begin to feel worthless or ashamed or refuse to forgive yourself for not making the most of an opportunity or making certain mistakes or feel like you are not progressing as you should be, take three long breaths, and count your blessings.

They don't have to be big or significant to others, frankly, we feel worse about ourselves when we compare.

From my list, you can see how I too have struggled. Struggle is a part of life. As there are good days, so there are bad days.

Every phase shall pass. Pain, frustration, sorrow, depression, loss, loneliness... shall all pass.

You've been doing a good job so far. Hang in there and don't let anybody or your mind play tricks with you.

I love you (I do not have to know you to love you. I love you simply because you're here, on earth)

Remember you're beautiful 😍, kind, hardworking, consistent, dependable, independent, ambitious, funny, blessed, cute, intelligent, lovely, the apple of God's eye, his treasure, priest, holy nation, favoured, equal with every man no matter how rich or prosperous, untouchable, different, real and you deserve happiness not because of your achievements but simply because you EXIST!

Avoid comparing yourself to anyone or anything.
Avoid remaining on the floor after you have fallen.
Avoid giving into temptation, but even if, repent and continue. God's not going to hold record of your sin.
Avoid giving up and not completing what you started.
Avoid living your life based on what people say or think of you.
Avoid assuming the worst about yourself.

Thank you so much for the votes and for following me, God bless you.

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