Chapter 14

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~~Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.
                          Proverbs 4:23(NKJV)~~

Sean and Sammy sat facing each other on the sofa in their sitting room. The late afternoon Sunday weather was a mixture of volcanic heat and Benin sun blazing through the closed windows.

'Tobi's line isn't reachable Sammy.' Sammy raised his head to look at Sean from what he was doing on his laptop.
'Exams start tomorrow and she hasn't reached us now. I don't even know if she's okay.' Sean's hand was stretched until he got to the television remote. He picked it up and pressed the power button.

'Do you want us to go and check on her?'

'I think so. Mr Chris has refused to say anything to us since yesterday, no explanation of any sort as to his wounds. He knows something and he's not telling us.'

'Forget him abeg, let's see if she's home. I'd rather ask her than a sulking male child.'

The drive to her house suddenly felt quiet. The trees refused to bend or stir in their normal way. Their branches were wide across the whole road for the places that had trees as absorbing the damaged ozone layer effects.

Sean sat on the driver's seat. He pressed the pad of his thumb against his middle finger above his head by the window for the sun blinds to close. He was feeling like a king as he concentrated on the road in the tall front seat and low glass. He and Sammy mover their legs over the super-thick carpeting. Sammy shifted his back and the soft leather seat caught him in a smooth and comfortable embrace. The numerous bumps and potholes couldn't break the vow of silence of the car.

He closed his eyes for a few seconds and pretended he was the owner of this opulent and artistically crafted automobile. The makers of the car had him in mind. The steering wheel was definitely designed for his control. His hands tapped lightly on it until he'd formed a circle. He opened his eyes and found Sammy staring at him. The fall and rise of their chest was heavy, with a side grin, they faced the road.

Trucks and a 2020 BMW 4 Series greeted them when they got to Tobi's apartment. Furniture, luggage and boxes were the major dominants in the compound. They skillfully manoeuvred their ways between the boxes and luggage.

'Yes? Good evening.' A medium sized woman suddenly walked to the entrance of the house.

'Good evening ma. We're friends of Tobi. We wanted to check on her.' The woman redirected her eyes to their surroundings.

'She's not here.' She head bent to a side and she looked at them with thoughts dominating her eyes. 'Are you Sammy and?' She held onto her words.

'Sean.' Sean replied and nodded.

'Wow!' Her face pronounced her dimples in cheeks. 'I've heard a lot about you guys. Well,' She gave a quick glance to her back and faced them. 'I would have asked you guys to come in but obviously, my mission here is to pack off and be gone.' Her body movements were with suck elegance and glance.

Realization dawned on them. 'You're Tobi's sister?' She nodded. 'We've heard a lot about you too. Nice to meet you.' Sammy moved forward with his hand outstretched.

'Yes, and you too Sean.'

'Can we ask why Tobi is moving away from here? Where is she? We've been worried sick.'

Tj inhaled softly. 'She's fine. I don't know what really happened. I got a call from my mum asking me to move her things to Abuja.'

Sammy and Sean turned to face each other. 'Abuja?'

'Yes. I was shocked too. I'll get my answers when I get home.'

'But is she okay?' She nodded slowly.

'Thomas?' She called out to a man on a three piece suit that was about to lift a chair. 'These are some of Tobi's friends.' The man dropped the chair, dusted his hands and strolled towards them.

'Hello.' He shook their hands.

'This is my husband. He's also Osas.' She moved closer to him amd whispered somethings in his ear.

'Nice meeting you men but I'd have to return to my supervision.' He walked back to where the had been standing.

'Where is Chris by the way?' Her demeanor told them she knew exactly what had happened and where Tobi was but she wasn't going to betray Tobi's decision to keep it away from them.

'He's home.' She nodded and smiled briefly.

'Well, I have to get back to work inside but it was a real pleasure meeting you two. Extend my greetings to Caleb and Lizzy.'

'We will. Also say hi to Tobi and tell her to give us a call when she's feeling better.'

'I will.' She allowed them take a few steps. 'Wait!' They stopped walking and faced her. 'Can I have the key to the car?'

Sammy stormed into the house and passed the living room. He didn't slow down walking until he got to his destination. He lifted his knotted hand and the noise that followed was loud and disturbing.

The door jerked open within few seconds. 'What is it man?'

'We need to talk!' He walked to the sitting room where Sean was leaning on a wall waiting.

'About?' Sammy's tone of voice hijacked his amygdala that went straight to his limbic system and he marched to living room.

'What you say to Tobi? She's left school and I don't think she's coming back.

Chris' anger evaporated and he took careful steps to the chair. Sitting down, he pulled at his face and scratched his beards.

'I'm sorry guys, I thought telling her how I felt about her was the best option. So I...' Sean's hands held Chris' shirt collars. Strong muscles came between them and pulled Chris out of Sean's grip. Flashy of red passed through Chris eyes and he drew his fist until it was under Sean's jaw before raising his hands up. Sean staggered but his amygdala was having none of it. He surged forward raising his leg until he hit his target between Chris' legs.

'I told you to get over your lust and focus on your studies.' Sean marched to Chris is swung his tight and round fist at Chris colliding into his stomach.  'At a time she needed us, at a time she should be healing and getting back on her fist. You just had to.' He raised his hand in a straight line aiming at Chris' back but Sammy elbowed Sean's jaw deflating the strike on Chris.

'I would normally encourage you two to go on but we've got exams. I won't study with you two tearing at each other.' Sammy took his books on the table and walked out.

Sean and Chris stood panting across each other.

'You think I don't know I messed up?' Christopher moved until he was shoulder to shoulder with Sean. 'What I did was stupid. At least you weren't there to see her hurt face.'

'So that's your excuse huh? You do something terrible and you tell us you know what you've done is just. It doesn't work Chris, it won't work. Rectify your mistake, find to way to get her and tell her you're sorry. Period!' He stormed out of the room.

The breeze from the windows blew passed him in a feather light pattern. A sharp pain hit him straight in the centre of his chest. He took his hand to the places in his body that had been bruised from yesterday and Sean's hard fists and threw his head back squeezing his eyes, nose and mouth.
Releasing his muscles, he stopped himself from blocking the emotions. This was only a little price to pay for the damage he'd done.

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