Another One! 🤷‍♂️ I Might Just Be 🤪

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A lot of people say there is no God, they can argue it because they may have found evidence. Well, I'm not one of them.

Here's why. I was typically born into a Christian home, I've never done drugs, dealt with alcoholism, fought my parents, suffered depression of any of that sort but it didn't make me better off than those people who were suffering from those things.

I suffered exposure to blue films, yap! From an early age, I watched the films with my older siblings. Even though they weren't this seduction(stark naked), it's not convenient for a little girl to see people kissing.

Fast forward, I grew up continuing that lifestyle, I read so many romance novels, watched many films even though I hated myself afterwards. This became my addiction as a born again. I found myself engulfed into their claws making me scared of holidays. Too much spare time to watch films and read novels.

You know na, the normal thing. I didn't like the life. I was scared that one day Jesus would catch me in the act😪😪😬😬 so I prayed constantly for God to take away the urges😢

The funny thing was on a good day, I didn't know why but I watched a film and as usual, I was ashamed crying my eyes out. In that process, I summoned courage to pray to God(shame is usually a hindrance to talk to God. Each time you sin, please don't be ashamed cause whether or not you talk, God still knows what you have done.)

Specifically, I told God that He didn't create me to battle sexual sin all my life. I wanted out! I needed to feel normal, this was the only thing that kept me from serving God well. A hidden sin.

During the cause of my prayer, I heard a still voice that told me everything was going to be okay. This voice (which I attribute to the Holy Spirit) told me I'd be fine when I stood up from praying. It went further to tell me about the future 😲 It emphasised on the days ahead that the temptations will come to make me fall but I didn't have to worry, I had overcome the sin.
(This is just a summary.) Unlike so many people, I didn't feel an overwhelming sensation flow through me that picked me up and hit me on the floor, I was normal as I listened to the voice.

Months later, I don't even feel the urge to watch such films or read a bad romance novel. This was a miracle complete in God Himself. That's true, when God heals you, it's complete, you don't work for it so you don't struggle to keep being free from it.

I know this write up is long but I want you to know there is a God. He watches over us, He's more interested in loving us than judging us. You might have reasons to think God has been unfair to you, I've said so before. Tell Him why you feel so. He always responds.

PLEASE, do not live in this world and die without knowing Jesus. Beyond hell fire, the glory and grace of knowing Him is a lot more better than not knowing Him.

Xoxo! I'm not 🤪. I'm just in a really good mood.

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