Chapter 32

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~~Casting all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.
              1 Peter 5:7(NKJV)~~

                              Five Years Later

'Tobi!' The sound of her name echoed in the crowd as she stepped on the escalator. Who could possibly want to embarrass her this early afternoon? How she even heard her name in the busiest complex in Abuja was a wonder. She ignored the caller to bring out her ID card in her purse if she was going to sign out of the building.

She wasn't going to concern herself with the sounds behind her. If the caller was her nails technician, she won't forgive him in a hurry. Her landing wasn't as smooth as she wanted. A light shove on her shoulder and she took four involuntary steps forward.

'Tobi, it's really you.'

The familiarity in the voice replaced her annoyance. She knew the caller, but it wasn't someone of recent encounter. She rose her head to big eyeballs and uplifted cheeks. 'Christopher?' She shouted.

'Madam, your ID card please, not ATM.'

'Oh sorry.' She replied replacing the ATM card with her ID.

He didn't say another word and gently guided them out of the building to sit under shaded chairs.

'Chris,' Her eyelids batted severally. 'I can't believe this.'

'How are you?' They asked simultaneously breaking out in a laugh and sitting down.

'I'm fine Chris. What about you?'

'I've never felt better. I can't believe I found you after so many years.' She smiled itching to ask him what he meant. As if reading her mind, he continued. 'I was looking for you. Sean and Sammy were too, but not just in Abuja.'

'Ok..a..ay! And now you found me. My my, I see some biceps well hidden under your suit.' She playfully hit his arm.

'You have grown too. Oh, are you hungry? They sell food behind us.'

'No.' She shook her head.

'Seven years later and you still look twenty-one. I'm jealous.'

'You should be. I know the amount of time and effort I put to looking good. I have become my mother.' She joked. They sat silently. This was why she avoided greeting people for too long. Interest in conversation dwindled after all the customary questions were asked. 'How is your dad? Lizzy?' She peeked at her wristwatch disappointed only ten minutes had passed. She squeezed her eyes briefly, she didn't have anywhere else to be until 1:30pm.

Chris cleared his throat seeking her full attention. He didn't look bad at all. Frankly, he never did but this was more like he was living every young lawyer's dream. She spied his left finger for a ring.

'My dad is fine. He just left Abuja. We're still in a fight. Lizzy is okay. She returned back to Benin after Youth Service.'

'Why are you in a fight with your dad?' His laugh broke a bit of the tension. He shifted on his seat to lean against the chair to get a clearer view at her without being too obvious.

Seven years later and she didn't age a bit. She always knew the right thing to do with her hair and face to make her stand out. Today, when he returned back to the office, he will not complain of his partner delaying their meeting.

He remembered her question and looked up but not before getting a glance at her left hand ring finger. Good, no wedding ring.

'He wants me to move to Lagos and grow my law firm there. An argument we've been having since I finished law school.'

She nodded raising a side of her lips and looking everywhere but at him. She bit the bottom of her lip tapping her feet on the floor quietly.

'That's great. I'm sure Sammy and Sean own a Chamber.' She forced herself to carryon the conversation. Why wasn't it today her child's school called her to pick her daughter early for crying nonstop. Goodness, couldn't that have happened today? Any moment, conversations relating to the past would come up and she didn't want that.

'You look like you've got somewhere to be.'

'Yes, I need to drive out of here. By 12:30, this place becomes jam-packed. Maybe it's the restaurant, I heard their food is good, who knows.'

'Really? I never noticed.'

'Were you supposed to?'

'Definitely. I think I will know since I have my firm here.' She looked down her legs unable to face him.

Great! The only time she lied, she got caught. Forgive me lord, I shouldn't lie but I need to be out of here.

'Wow, you're rolling in money now o. Only big boys have guts to rent this complex.'

'Not exactly. I just try to win all my cases.'

'Good for you Chris. I'm happy we met again. Why don't I give you my number then we'll finish our discussion. Tomorrow? I have my break from 12 till 2. Okay?'

'Okay! Here!' Their hands bumped when he handed her his phone. He still kept short well maintained nails.

'I'll call you later. We'll meet anywhere convenient for you. Bye Tobi!'

'Bye Chris. Say hi to your friends.'

No way on earth were Sammy and Sean as excited as he was spilling the news over skype tonight. Wasn't God just good? 

He checked the time as he switched off his laptop and laid on the bed. 11:23pm was too late to call her but he took his phone and dialed her number anyway.

'Hello?' She answered with a low pitch.

'Tobi, it's me. Chris. I'm sorry to be calling this late. I'm sorry.'

He heard background noises, the creak of her bed and the drag of her slippers as she put them on. He imagined she was walking out of her bedroom to the parlour hearing several switches turn on and off. Could she be living with a boyfriend? If she was married, he assumed she'd wear her ring during the day. He knew how she'd been with Caleb.

'Chris, this is a little late to be calling. I wasn't asleep though. So? Why call this late?'

'I wanted to invite you to breakfast tomorrow.'

'Lunch you mean. Time?' She asked hurriedly.

'Any time you're free. I'm on a bendable schedule.'

'Is twelve okay? I have breaks till two but I need to leave by 1:30pm.'

He remembered her telling him about her break time. 'Okay. I'll see you by twelve. Where should I meet you? Should I come to you?'

'No, I'll meet you at that restaurant. I might be tasting their food tomorrow.'

'Okay then. Sleep tight.'

'Yeah, you too.'

Tobi switched off the parlour light and tiptoeing back to her room hoping Dami didn't wake up. She was such a light sleeper. She peeked into the crib pulling the cover cloth to the child's neck before slipping into bed.

Sammy and Sean will know by now Chris saw her and she thought of many possible questions they'd want answers to.

What about Lizzy? Chris hadn't been wearing wedding band but it didn't  mean he wasn't married and married to her for a fact. Why did this bother her so much? Frustrated, she closed her laptop and slept off.

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