Chapter 1

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~~For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16(NKJV)

Tobi refused to believe what the caller told her without confirming but she couldn't stop the tears from betraying her.

The person that was prank-calling her for about a month finally gathered the courage to her the reason for the numerous flash calls and threatening text messages.

The driver at her back blew his car horn for ten seconds before she realized that her snail speed was delaying other road users.

Tears blurred her visions and by the time she wiped the tears with the back of her hand, she'd passed her destination.

Her phone's ringtone was pricking her ears, she stretched to reach it to throw out of the window. After two vein stretches, she stopped trying to be able to reverse and drove into the Faculty of Law car park.

Students came out from every corner of the building in small groups with many of them holding transparent files. Despite the sadness she was feeling, she released a smile.

On her own first day almost five years ago, her mind had pumped adrenalin of fear and excitement, thanks to her siblings filling her head with the gory details of a fresher in a federal school.

Law students were always obediently dressed in their customary white short sleeve or long sleeve shirt with black skirt or trousers for boys.

For the first time since her being a law student, the sight of the faculty didn't make her excited.

Oh goodness, her friend was coming towards her car. Nothing got past this person and she'd need to explain everything to him but she didn't think she could talk. She picked her phone and sent a text telling him not to approach her.

'Tobi, you're tougher than this. Stop crying or Christopher won't let you be.' Gratefully, she reached for her purse to collect brush and powder.

'Tobi,' She said before getting down from the car. 'What's the worst that could happen?'

Her friend got up and walked the distance. His eyes skimmed over her face and he smiled briefly leading the way to the lecture theatre.

'Don't think I don't notice your swollen face Tobi. After test we'll talk.'

His possessiveness wasn't pleasing to her today but any foul reply could cost her a friendship she treasured. She forced spit down her throat instead. 'I'm okay Chris, thank you for waiting for me.'

He gave her a disapproving look as they sat down. Fortunately, their other squad members were there to distract him.

'Guy, why Tobi face be like person wey dey cry?' Sean asked close to Chris' ear.

'I no know o. I'll ask her after test.'

Tobi's hand shook as she placed her red and black pens on the full scalp sheet. Her head ached when she heard Sean's comment and became aware that she was crying again because Sean placed his hand on her shoulder and squeezed quietly.

The lecturer choosing that time to walk inside the hall was her saving grace. She received her question paper slip and buried her head into her work writing like the speed of lightening.

When she finished, she skipped steps to submit, pick up her bag and left.

She hadn't bothered to check for errors. She didn't think she had any issue with the questions. To be honest, she was less concerned if she used her red ink when she was supposed to use the black ink.

'Hellooooo?' She shouted impatiently.

'I'm so sorry I took time in responding to you, I was putting Tobi to sleep.' Tobi? Her own name. Why did Caleb name this child Tobi? She breathed gently and spoke.

'Where can I meet you?' The woman responded and they agreed to meet in an hour.

Trees were a good cover up for any place you didn't want people to know about.

The crickets and slithering noises surrounded her but she kept walking deeper into the strange place.

When she had walked a distance, she got a call from the same number.

'If you are the lady on white and black, keep coming straight, I can see you.' Fear immediately replaced with anger.

The building had washed off paints and the stench of decay filled her nose as she got closer. She headed straight and climbed the stairs before she saw the woman. She had a child that looked like she was four or less than. The woman looked very young, too young to be the mother of the child.

The sleeping child shifted against her body, she got up and placed the baby on the seat, searched her bag and walked up to Tobi handing her a paper.

She took the paper to read what was on it. Getting impatient, she looked for the important thing. The certificate held the father's name as Caleb Chukwuemeka Ugwu. Tobi handed the paper back to the woman.

'Do you need any other proof?' She said turning back to carry the baby. 'Or maybe you want to see her.'

She knew it wasn't necessary but she walked up to see the sleeping child's face. She brushed the single tear from her face as she stepped back. Her heart picked up speed. It was like she was seeing Caleb as a little girl. The baby even had his light skin colour.

The child opened her eyes to Tobi's stare and started to cry.

'I'm only doing this for your good. I don't want him to keep deceiving you. Caleb will not marry you, he also promised to marry me too when I told him I wanted to abort the baby. I'm not complaining because he takes care of us but I felt it right in my conscience to let you know what you might be getting into.' Tobi heard only the first few words.

The woman's nagging tempted her to pick a handful of sand and throw it into her mouth. She felt the urge to explain to the woman that though she may have mothered a child with Caleb they were not in any way to be compared. What was the point, Caleb placed them on the same pedestal when he impregnated her.

Tobi turned her back against the woman. 'Are you leaving?'

She responded without turning back. 'Yes!' The baby cried when the woman tried to put her down so she stayed back. She was sure this wasn't the reaction the woman had expected.

She walked quickly to her car and got in, the father's name on the birth certificate stuck to her mind. Few months to becoming someone's wife, a person she'd loved since her days in Junior Secondary School, she'd let him sleep with her because she thought she was the only one. Their families even grew stronger because of them. Tobi couldn't understand why he would have a child outside when he could have had children with her. She admitted she wasn't ready to have children but if he'd told her how desperately he wanted to be a dad, she wouldn't have objected because she loved him.

She wasn't sure telling her family will be the right choice for now. As far as she knew it, her father might take things too far and her mother, she didn't know how she would react. Her sister would have been of help but she'd seen less of her since she got married and moved to Port Harcourt. Her brother would also push it to her mother to handle. She didn't trust herself to be rational in making any decisions now so she wouldn't make any decision until she could reason again.

'Caleb! Caleb!..' Her hands and head filled with thick green and red veins. Hunger mixed with rage and the steering wheel pressed down as it received her anger.

She squeezed her eyes shut to stop the child's innocent face from filling her mind. Tobi cleaned her eyes and drove out of the place. Caleb will burn!


Author's Note

Good morning, I appreciate you for reading this far. I'd like to ask that you exercise patience as this book is going through vigorous restructuring.

This is a purely Nigerian book so many words and slangs might not be common or understandable. When you reach such points, the internet will be of help to you.

Thank you for reading and feel free to leave your comments and reviews.

God bless and have a good day.

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