Chapter 9

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~~These things I command you, that you love one another.
                             John 15:17(NKJV) ~~

Chris couldn't sleep. It was his custom since he heard Tobi wasn't coming back to school until next week. All through Monday and Tuesday he'd tried to call her but her line was switched off. He could understand that she was going through a lot, trusting someone wasn't easy these days let alone someone that could betray that trust.

He got up from the bed and walked round the room. His heart beat faster when he pictured her face. He pictured her smiling at him when he brought her lunch everytime he went out to get food or when she walked into the classroom and saw him. She was one person that smiled easily. She'd smile when she mocked him about his getting fat or Lizzy's obvious crush on him. Even the days she was upset about something she wouldn't let it show and almost five years of friendship enabled him know when she was sad. A big bottle of Mama Coca-Cola with a wing of turkey from Blessed Restaurant knew how to cheer her up so he made it a habit even when he couldn't afford it.

His hundred level days hadn't been so rosy but she'd been a constant factor especially when his dad got sick suddenly. Losing his mum in his junior year in secondary school was tough on him and his dad so the thoughts of him losing his dad made him even more scared. He needed to travel home to Lagos the morning the call came from his aunty and his only option had been to board a bus from one of the cheap parks in Benin. He'd called only Sean to tell him about leaving school but five minutes later Tobi was standing outside their hostel waiting to take him to the airport.

He remembered his shock seeing her outside. It was early morning by 6:30 so she was still in her pyjamas. Her hairnet was still on her head and her bathroom slippers.

'Chris, I'm really so sorry. Come on, I'll drive you to the airport.' He knew how to tell her he wasn't going to be taking a plane because his finances were tight but he didn't know how to tell her he'd be going by one of those local transports worst than the popular God is Good Motors.

'Thank you Tobi, you didn't have to bother. You should have understood I didn't want to involve you that was why I didn't call you.'

She wasn't pissed when he said that. She smiled and replied. 'Yeah yeah but I'm here now and I'm going to be at your service. Sean called me because he knew I could drive you. Come on Chris, it's not a big deal.' She said taking his bag from him.

Inside the car, he managed to tell her the park he'd be using. She hadn't laughed or mocked him, she'd simply told him she'd be driving him to the airport for him to take a flight. He almost asked her if she was deaf. She smiled realizing he was losing his patience. She told him she called her uncle that owned an airline in Benin to ask if there was a morning plane to Lagos. Her uncle said not until afternoon but he was going to Lagos with his private jet.

He smiled recalling the event. He'd never been on a plane before talk less of entering a private jet. Her uncle was another nice person, he'd ensured he was comfortable and given him some money that covered the hospital bill for his father. He owed so much to Tobi and her uncle. Coming back, she'd booked him another flight after strong arguments about it. Her, Sean, Sammy and Lizzy were waiting to welcome him back when he returned. He was too shy to look at her or talk to her for the next few days so he diverted his attention to his other friends. She'd understood and never brought up the topic till date.

He needed to hear from her or else he'd go crazy.

His emotions were about to start betraying him when his mind pictured her body. He quickly walked to the bathroom and took a cold shower longer than usual. He came out and toweled his body. For the next few minutes he sat frustrated on his bed staring at his phone. He picked it up and decided to try calling her number again.

'Hello.' His eyes widened in shock when she picked.

'Hi Tobi, it's Chris.'

'I know.' He could hear her weak smile. She didn't sound sleepy, just tired.

'Tobi, why aren't you sleeping?' There was silence at the other end. It took a while before she responded.

'I couldn't sleep.'

'So what are you doing now?'

'I decided to search for a project topic as against next semester. I don't like doing things at the last minute.' She smirked.

Her voice had a soothing effect, he laid on the bed and pulled his duvet over his body. 'True. Tobi, I know I shouldn't say this but I'm sorry about everything.' Again another long silence. He thought she wasn't going to reply but she did.

'Caleb had other children.' she sniffed in to prevent catarrh from running down her nose.

Chris was shocked to hear that. He didn't know what exactly happened, he'd imagined the woman in love with Caleb and didn't think it was worse than him cheating but having children outside Tobi. His perfect gentleman image of Caleb left his memory and he got angry.

'I'm sorry Tobi. I didn't know.'

'I too didn't know. I thought it was just one girl he named after me, I didn't know he had two other boys.' He heard her cry and wished Caleb was close by. He wasn't a fighter but he would punch him until his own fist bled. Three children in the span of five years? He got madder remembering they were to be married in less than eight months. He admitted that a part of him was happy the wedding might be cancelled but Tobi was hurt, and he didn't like that part at all.

'I wish I was there with you.'


Why? He thought. He had to guard his words or else he'd scare her away. 'So I could order turkey and coke for you. You know you're a sucker for that combo. I'm sure everytime Blessed Restaurant staff see me they jubilate.' Tobi laughed.

'Or maybe Gold Peak when I go to buy their chicken and chips.' She chipped in.


'How's school like now?' He knew the real question was how her classmates were taking the issue. It was impossible for the matter to die quickly in few weeks so it was a good thing she was gone for a week. Many people had approached him to ask if Tobi was the side chick or the other woman was.

'It's a good thing you left school. As usual, Jessica shouts about it saying "say no to unfaithful boyfriends" and Catherine speaks on equality and women's justice.' They laughed.

'Then thank God I'm away.'

'Yes, thank God. I really miss you.' The words rushed out of his mouth.

'I miss you too, same with Sean, Sammy and Lizzy.' He was happy she'd didn't read meaning to it. 'I hope you'd be surprising me with an engagement to Liz? It's about time.'

Chris got confused and burst out laughing when he understood. 'It's funny how you can still be a troublemaker.'

'Really? I thought I was the quiet one among the four of us. I guess maybe not.' She was back to being quiet again.

'I promise you Tobi that the day I propose to any girl you'd be there to experience it.'

'Oh, there's even a girl?' Tobi joked.

'Not yet, but I'm hoping to God that He grants my request and give me someone that'd love me and is as faithful as I am.'

'That's a good hope then. Just pray really hard you don't get heartbroken like I am.' He heard her shuffling somethings. 'Erhm Chris, I have to go. I want to rest now. It's as if hearing your voice brought back some light to me and now I feel very sleepy. Thank you for calling me. Your a good friend.'

'Thank you for picking up, you're also a good person. Be strong Tobi. Bye!'

'Bye!' He was smiling when she hung up.

Tobi, when you left it was as if you took a part of me with you. I know it will be selfish of me to think that now but I'm hoping you see my love for you and cherish it just as much as I cherish you.

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