Chapter 20

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~~He who walks with the wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.
                        Proverbs 13:20(NKJV)~~

The sun was already out and she knew if she didn't leave, Pa Solomon might talk her to death with his old stories about war and why he'd settled down in this particular village. One more look at him and she knew from his sheepish grin he was ready to continue the story of his dog and the strange snake that his dog saved him from a year ago. A story she knew by heart and could recite from sleep.

'Pa Solomon, how long do you plan on telling me this story this time?' The old man laughed so hard she feared he might have an heart attack.

'How do you mean? I don't talk too much you know. It's just your generation that doesn't like to listen anymore.'

'You're right grandpa.' She said rubbing his shoulders gently and getting up to stretch. 'I know you have nothing to do this morning except sit here and stare at the sun till you get hungry. Me, I have to help Mrs Ade with the clinic.'

'No problem. I'll be here again in the evening.'

She smiled briefly. 'I know that. I'll bring you a slice of Mrs Ade's tasty cake.'

'How will you get it?' The man asked suddenly interested at the mention of cake. 'Isn't she a hoarder anymore?'

'She's not. Just when it come to her cakes. She has little children and two grown ups that like cake. The usual. I'll bring my share for you.'

'Thank you Tobi. You know, my oldest grandson is slightly older than you. You can get to know him. He still comes here every December. Enough time for you to prepare.'

Tobi rolled her eyes waving him goodbye as she walked away.

Pa Solomon has been her companion since the four months she discovered this hill. It was a short distance from her home but was farther to the clinic. She remembered walking with the rest children to the stream and seeing the sun rise from somewhere hereby. She'd gone there and seen an old man seated alone watching the sun rise. Since then, every morning while the Mr and Mrs Ade did devotion with their children, she excused herself to come watch the sun rise before leaving for work.

She hummed and tried to move her head to the sounds the birds made. Rumby the dog saw her as she got closer to the hut of a young couple. The dog ran to her wagging its little tail.

'Oh!' She quickly dove into her bag bringing out some bones with some flesh of meat and throwing it at the dog. 'Here you go Rumby, my dinner. I hope you like it.' She scratched his head heading over to his owner's house to say good morning.

'Ina kwana?' A woman peeped from the window. 'Your dog, I gave him some bones.'

The young woman came out smiling. 'Na gode. He, loves you.'

'I'm very sure he loves the bones. How are you?' Tobi covered the small distance between them and placed the palm of her hand on the small of the woman's forehead.

'Fever. But I take... The... Thing you give me to take.' One thing Tobi was grateful for was the fact that the people of the village weren't so clueless about English.

'Well, I'll come by later.' She always made sure she talked slowly and paused to see if the woman understood what she was saying. 'Mrs Ade said you'll be fine.' The woman smiled and went back into her hut.

Five months back and she could only think of Caleb and how he'd hurt her. Now, she had a small purpose and was grateful she was able to help this small village. Several opportunities had come for her to return home but everything she packed her things to go, memories came back and clawed at her heart reminding her how worthless she was. She had no degree and had wasted five years of her life. What could she probably meet except to start life over again.

This life wasn't still easy. Frankly, she wasn't looking forward to everyday where everything was done in the old and traditional way. No light, cars hardly came by, people got more sick and everytime they turned someone back it broke her heart. Despite all that though, she still had a lot to be grateful for. Fresh air from the trees and the village seemed to have a million of them, no pollution of any kind, good food, happiness and a good family that accommodated her.

She'd even learnt how to farm. She could now plant yam, vegetables and any small task Mrs Ade believed she could do. She slowed down walking and spread her hands as the wind blew into her face disbanding the rubber bands from her hair. She quickly tried to hold her hair from flying all over the place with her hands. She had stopped making her hair except the occasional all back but this morning, she took special care parting her hair into two ponytails that were ruined.

The sky was getting thicker. She just hoped Pa Solomon could see this and leave for home. She put the bag over her head and ran the rest of way to the clinic as the rain drizzled.

The clinic was almost full as people ran in to avoid the now heavy rain. Bodies collided with each other as they struggled for good standing opportunity.

She looked up to find Mrs Ade and an older couple smiling. The older woman got up rushing to greet her. She shifted back for Tobi to get a view of what she was showing her. The woman faced Tobi again and drew her into an embrace.

'Food.' She said pointing her fingers to her mouth and running them down to her stomach. 'Na gode. Na gode.' The woman said bending her head to Tobi's feet. Tobi shifted to get out of the woman's tight grip on her.

'Na gode.' She replied imitating the woman and walking into the inner room.

'The woman and her husband have been waiting for you for a while now.' Mrs Ade walked into the room shutting the door.

'Why? I'm not too sure I can remember them.' Tobi said before turning to arrange the trays that contained medical equipment.

'Just the woman mainly. Tobi,' Mrs Ade got up and walked to where Tobi stood, took the trays from her and turned her to face her. 'I know what you did. The woman just couldn't stop singing your praises about how good you are.'

'Mrs Ade, I don't get you. She clearly couldn't tell me anything so how do you think I helped her?'

'I don't see your human hair again. The wig you had on when you came here and those clothes and your slippers. I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me you sold them.'

'I don't buy and sell and nobody wears such things here so how did I sell them?'

This was clearly not how Mrs Ade thought it'd go. 'I'm not saying you did bad, it's just that Nuhu came by before the couple arrived to give you some money.' She said bringing out some large wads of money. 'He couldn't wait and he didn't know when next he'd pass this road. He said the items you gave him to sell were more than enough to get Mrs Usman treated when they left for the city. Didn't you sell your things?'

Tobi sat down on the bed closest to her. 'I did.' She said shrugging. 'It wasn't a big deal. No need to have Balenciaga slippers or hair and clothes when I couldn't wear them. The villagers wouldn't even know them if I did so, why show off to people that won't know.' They looked at each other and laughed.

'Well I wanted to say thank you. Apart from that, you need to see the bulk of foodstuff she brought. For the next year we won't bother farming.' They laughed again and walked into the main entrance of the clinic.

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