Note from Oluwadamilola

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I never got to do this. Hi, I'm Olwadamilola but you can take my name and shorten it into any way that is convenient for you to remember. I'm really excited to have finally completed my first book ever on Wattpad. I thank God because I might not yet be a veteran writer, but I'm sure getting better daily.

There's something I want to also tell you. Yes, it's about God and yes, I'll keep talking about Him.

If you're looking for a lazy child, a child that is on this earth without knowing why I was on this earth, months ago, I would have volunteered myself. 

I lived on earth, I knew I should work hard, read my books, Bible, learn a skill and be useful to my generation but I didn't do that. Instead, I woke up purposeless to browse through the internet, eat and sleep. This was a life that my creator wasn't satisfied with. I wanted to do more, I wanted to be just as useful as my friends were but I just couldn't. Scriptures like the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak was evidenced in my life. 

My breakthrough came on a friday. I journeyed with my aunt and cousin to my aunt's office in the morning. The moment I stepped into her office, a very audible idea came to my mind. It told me about restructuring.(Paraphrasing what I heard) It talked to me about how to go about my life. I didn't pray or fast, nothing, God just spoke to me.

The next monday, I was up by 8am, hurrying to bath, eat so that I could start my day. It worked guys, I've never since that day relented on the new me. I now crave knowledge and wisdom. I read books, pray more, fast more and I'm leaning on God more because He planned out my life according to His will. Romans 9:16 says, "It is not of him that willeth,  nor of him that runneth but of the Lord that showeth mercy. God has shown me mercy so I MUST tell you all aboout it. 

No man is like Jesus. Men have tried and failed, the devil tries to make Him look fake but He isn't. I may not have given the best descriptions or answers or plot of story to you but this is me, for now, sharing how best I know Jesus. I hope that in the next few months when I come to edit this work, I would have leant more about my saviour to share with my future readers.

Jesus loves you. No man would ever love you like Him. I'm saying old tales but true. Every sin you think you've committed doesn't make God hate you. Nothing can separate us from God's love. Not lying, adultery, stealing, pornography, killing can stop God from loving you. 

He made you, He remembers that you are man and He accepts all your imperfections. I got born again through a book. A real life testimony of a man that used to be an occult. A terrible one at that because he met with satan. If God forgave him his sins, he will forgive you too. He loves you.

With  so much brutality and hatred amongst us brothers. Yes, I might be Nigerian but every Indian, Chinese, Ghanaian, South African... are my brothers and sisters. Let us try to be the light wherever we are. Repay no evil for evil. Many people are not perfect so try to love each other and be good to one another.

The sinner's prayer is "Lord, I come to you today, with my flaws, sins, misdeeds, imperfection because you can make me perfect. I believe in you and in the death and resurrection of your son Jesus. I believe you died for me and have risen again to set me free. Thank you Jesus, for taking away my sins and writing my name in the book of life. Amen!"

Be blessed. God has already taken your sins away from you and you are a child of God. Yes, it's easy like that.

I hope to hear from you, my email is and I hope to see you'll in my subsequent stories. I love you all. Be good!  

Lastly, I'm making this shoutout to Mama Joy and John Bello for sticking with me since I started my stories on my Whatsapp status. I love you guys and I will never forget your patient and words of encouragement. John went as far as quoting some of my works to post on his status and Mama Joy also posted me on her status motivating me. This is more than giving me money for data. Lol! I love you guys from the bottom of my heart and I know in your time of need, God won't fail you too. Amen! 

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