Only Two To Go!

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~~If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself. 2 Timothy 2:13(NKJV)~~

'Hey Tobi, how's Dami? I was thinking you'd like some company this lonely afternoon. Sean or Chris won't be tagging along. Do you mind?'

'Yeah, I kind of do mind. Not in the way of me not wanting you to come over but I want to go through some work and I might get called anytime and when the call comes, I will have to leave you at home alone. I bet you don't want that.' She smiled when she remembered sending Shade out the door with pleadings so she could return back to work. Oh! Mrs Ade was coming for a visit next week and she will be picking her up. She unlocked her phone and set a reminder of the date and time.

Having Sam visit her today was additional stress because she couldn't entertain a visitor, sorting through her files and looking after Dami. Now she understood why her mother emphasized she employ a nanny. Dami's mother's lawyer was going to call any moment and she wasn't prepared. She continued looking through the paper work as if she remembered so much about law.

Her telecom rang, it was her gateman informing her of her visitor. How did Sam manage to find her house? She sighed instructing the man to let him in and direct him to her apartment.

'Are you a spy now? How did you get my address?' She leaned closer to the door blocking his entrance into the house.

'Surprise! I couldn't resist not coming here. Sorry ma.'

'But how did you get my address? Christopher doesn't know it and I didn't tell Sean.'

'You sent me your address.'


'After the call, you sent the address.'

Tobi moved away from the entrance deep in thought. 'I don't remember.'

'I do. It was a weird message but at the bottom was your address. Something about your sister Tj not visiting you since you moved here and you planning to deal with her when she came this weekend.'

Tj's visit? 'Oh!' She exclaimed recollecting how she sent Sammy her address. She was composing a message to her sister few minutes before Sammy called and after their call, she sent the message to the first number on her record list thinking it was Tj. If Sammy got it, then Tj hadn't received her text. She frowned as she resent the message.

'Hello cutie, I brought you some presents.' Sammy chatted with the excited baby revealing gifts from a bag. 'This, is a stuffed puppy, you like it? Yeah you do.' He placed the teddy on Dami's hands who took it straight to her mouth.

'Sammy! These toys aren't for her age. Everything she touches is for the mouth, please stop giving them to her. I'll keep them until she can play with them. Thanks! Dami, uncle Sammy brought you nice toys.' She wriggled the toys over Dami's face and threw them to an available couch. 'Who knows you're here?' She asked going back to her work.

'No one. I snuck out when Sean and Chris were arguing. You look tired.' He said looking round the messy room. 'Can I help?'

'Yes! You can help me sort through paperwork. I'm looking for a birth certificate. I need it in court later. Has Dami's full name on it. When you find it, just hand it over.'

Dami is a beautiful baby although she didn't look much like Tobi. He honestly expected some of her light skin to rub off on her children. He slid to the next picture smiling seeing Tobi struggle to feed Dami when she was crying and wouldn't take the bottle. Sammy wasn't the only one taking unaware pictures yesterday. Tobi saw him too many times to count but might not have thought much of it because her attention was focused on her baby.

More than anything, he loved the way the baby's face lit up every time she was handed back to Tobi. He'd think she'd been waiting for a rescue and would giggle, swinging her legs as Tobi carried her.

Tobi said she wasn't married. He admired her responsibility level. These times were the hardest for every mother having to take care of a nursing baby. He wanted to offer her assistance but he didn't think she'd like the gestures from him and moreover, her family was here. He decided that having her as a friend was better than nothing at all instead of souring the friendship they were trying to rebuild.

"Hi Tobi, how are you? I was looking at the pictures from yesterday. I took so many unexpected photos of you and Dami especially when it was a struggle between the two of you. You'd be shocked when you see them and how many they are. How's the little missy?" This text was going to read "attention-seeking." He deleted the message and attempted two more times before giving up and sending the last message.

His phone beeped after he'd cooked his lunch and watched a thirty minutes video. Tobi remained a busy-bee. Her resting the average six hours may be unreality to her. An old memory of his father came to mind. Tobi and his father were similar. They were both resilient even if the task threatened to overpower them.

"Hi Chris. I'm okay, just a little tired. Thanks for the text. How are you?"

Chris didn't hesitate to reply. "I'm okay." Sammy walked into the house that moment carrying a box. 'How far guy, where did you go? Who gave you the box?' He chuckled and continued texting.

'They're for Tobi.'

'Wait, what?' He jerked up from the chair. 'Why did she give you a box?'

Sammy shrugged and continued walking. 'I went over to her house and she asked me to help with some of her files.'

Chris' eyes widened and he sprung up to go after Sammy. 'Guy, how did you know her house?'

'She sent me the address o biko leave me, I have to return them to her latest tomorrow. She's going to see her lawyer later today.'

'Lawyer? Come on now, tell me why she needs to see a lawyer?'

'Dami is in the process of being adopted and she needs to finalize the adoption by today and tomorrow.'

'Oh!' Chris circled his lips and left the dinning section.

Why hadn't Tobi called him instead of asking Sammy for help? He was a resident of Abuja and a lawyer so he was in a better position to help her. He inhaled, ignored his pride and went back to the dinning room.

'Do you need any help?'

'Not really. I'm not in charge of the adoption, these are other files I'm sorting for her.'

Chris nodded but refused to leave. Why had she let Sammy help her instead of him? Calling her to find out was out of the question but he couldn't hide his annoyance especially when he had no right to be. Tobi was entitled to make choices even if they weren't favourable to him but how come she never told him Dami was adopted?

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