Chapter 15

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~~For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.
                           Romans 8:14(NKJV)~~


Her mother turned back swiftly to watch Tobi as she walked outside the spacious side porch and into the cool evening breeze. 'Hi sweetie.' She greeted stretching out her hand for Tobi to take when she drew closer to her.

The evening breeze was cold but with a peaceful and calming effect. The only sound that was heard were from the chirping birds and the sway of the trees. Her mother was leaning on the wall that held the engulfing shiny roof over her head. Small white and red tables and chairs with three to one capacity were neatly arranged around her. The Brazilian walnut flooring laid beautifully adding elegance to the milky light brown walls.

They stood surrounded by bougainvillea, cycads, Yellow Bell, Moringa, Eucalyptus, Terminalia Umbrella Trees and Flamboyant trees providing coverings and additional decorations to the almost see through duplex.

'You're still outside?' Her mother lifted the glass to her lips.

'I thought I'd stay here for a while.' She walked to the nearest table and dropped the glass. 'I forgot earlier, welcome home my darling. Let's sit for a while.'


Their body moved to the inconsistent sounds their environment was making.

'What do you think?'

Caught in her own web of thoughts, Tobi positioned her eyes to the small birds that fought for the crumbs of biscuits she'd scattered some feet from her.


'Oh! Yeah!'

'I asked what you thought about the new chairs.'

Her eyes moved with the direction of her mother's hands to the chairs she pointed to. 'I like them.'


'They're chairs mum, we've always had chairs out here.'

Laughing, Mrs Hugh drank the rest of the wine. 'I forgot how much of an observer you are.'

'Well....Oh, I see them now, you changed them to white and red. My favourite colours.' She raised her cheeks and outlined the edge of the table with the tip of her fingers. 'They're beautiful.'

'Yes. Even though they don't quite match the floor and wall, I won't change them.'

'Wow mum, you're signing in for a big challenge with dad.'

She gave a short loud laugh. 'I don't mind a duel with your father once in a while. I bet in a few weeks, he'd get tired and become colour blind again.'

Tobi smiled at her mother. The words weren't what mattered. Her heart felt a craving for this kind of life. It'd been what she'd envisioned with Caleb, this long lasting affection for one other. Mrs Hugh placed her hand over Tobi's hand giving a quick massage.

'I understand how you feel.'

Tobi smiled and placed her other hand over their hands. 'I thought he was the one mum. We spent so many years together, I would have done almost anything for him you know. Less than four months and he'd married with kids. Sometimes, I still wish I can change everything. Us meeting, him being faithful and loving only me.'

'Hmm! You know, your dad and I weren't always this happy. First few years of our marriage and we couldn't stand each other.'

'I don't know mum, I find that hard to believe.'

'Yes, we've come a long way together and ironed issues out that's why we're happy today.'

'What made you and dad unhappy?'

'The usual, children with rich parents marry rich children too. I didn't know your father till our engagement and same with him. He liked only English food but I was very traditional and I took preference to our local delicacies. I didn't need helps since he wanted to build his own empire so we didn't have much for a start and I wanted to work along side him in his oil business. Tough time I'd say.' Her mother's eyes brightened and her face held a huge grin.

'What made things change?'

'We both wanted to make things work. We didn't want to split because I'd set up a business and he was making cool cash. We knew how tiring divorces were and we hardly had time for that, we were hardly home. The thing is,' She closed her eyes, the fresh air that escaped between the trees swept across their faces. 'We'd helped each other get strong on our feet. I believe we didn't want another person to enjoy what we'd both worked hard to build in each other.'

'Isn't that selfishness?'

'I wouldn't call it that, I'd say we wanted to eat the fruit of our labour. Also, I got pregnant.'

Tobi burst out in laughter. 'I see the real reason now.' Her mother joined in.

Few minutes later, their laughs subsided and her mother made a straight face. 'That was the life I wished for you and your siblings but I didn't want you to enter an arranged marriage then try to love each other. Many of my friends marriages never worked out that was why I let you and your siblings make your choices.'

Tobi dragged in air until she couldn't before releasing herself. 'At least Tj is happy.'

Mrs Hugh stood up abruptly. 'At least you're also happy. In everything, I'm happy you didn't marry him before finding out. So, it's a good thing that woman tried to harass you.'

'Yes.' Tobi stood up too.

'Whatever you choose to do now Tobi, I'd support you. I love you.' She drew her daughter into a tight embrace before releasing her.

'I love you too mum.' The side of her lips lifted slightly as she watched her mother walk inside the house. She walked to where she'd met her mother standing and leaned against the wall. A bird flew to sing at the railings before running off to join the other birds that were flying from tree to tree.

'Whatever I choose to do.' She re- echoed her mother's words. The first thing she'd done when she returned home was to disconnect herself from anything that reminded her of everything she was trying to forget and that included her friendships. She leaned her head towards the wall and tried to think of her last time in school. She missed her friends a lot, they'd always been a major part of her life. Walking away from them didn't seem fair but going back to face Chris was almost impossible.

The speed of her heart beat suddenly changed. It beat twice as fast. The trees no longer felt peaceful and beautiful, they didn't offer comfort like they used to. The sounds the birds made started to sound irritating to her ears. The noise she heard from inside made her want to shout. She turned around and looked at her surroundings. This had been her home since childhood, this had been the place Caleb had always visited when he came to see her or her family, this was the place his mother and father came to visit her family too. Her sister's marriage had been conducted here, her brother's engagement had been conducted here too, only good things happened to her family and this was where they assembled to celebrate. Why was she the only one bad things happened to? Why did she have to bring bad news here? Her family was deeply affected by what happened making her parents severe ties with a lot of people especially those that took sides with Caleb's family. Her family was losing business partners too and that meant money but they had to keep smiling because she was a part of them and there was no other way.

She didn't feel comfortable anymore, she scratched her shoulders aggressively until she drew red lines. She heard some voices talk in whispers and she knew she was the subject of discussion.

She turned around to look at her environment again. She needed to get away.

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