Countdown to Three More Chapters: Yay!

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~~In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
  1 Thessalonians 5:18(NKJV)~~

Tobi having a child probably meant she was married. He refused to let the thought of her sleeping around guide him and in all honesty, she was very different from before and even though he didn't exactly know how, he knew she was. Age could also change someone but this was more than her age, this was only something experience or exposure could cause. 

He tried to release his knotted tie by pulling on his shirt collar. Unable to pull that off, he raised his collar and swing his hands to the front of his neck to free the tie.

What did he expect? She was beautiful, smart, rich and a good person. Finding a husband will be the least of her worries with that criteria. Thinking that made him cringe. What was his problem? Didn't he promise God to put her feelings first? No, he didn't seem to know how not to think about her. He should be her husband. Gosh! His needy and selfish thoughts were repulsive to himself but what could he do? He loved her. God will be his only way out of this misery. 

Their lunch was cut short after the elderly woman gatecrashed and unconsciously threw the bomb at him. Hopefully they might have a rescheduled meeting soon.

Three weeks and some few days later and she was sitting in the same position she'd been in before her mother's friend obstructed her meeting with Chris. She saw the stroller move with the side of her eye and bent to ensure it was properly positioned. It'd be awful if the stroller left its place because the busy walkway was directly behind her. She won't sit here again if ever she had a reason to be here with Dami.

Sammy and Sean put a video-call through to her last week inviting her to join their little reunion. She could have avoided being here today if not that in her overzealous state, she didn't think before bursting out a resounding "yes!" Now she was stuck on an early Saturday afternoon with her sleeping baby and a bunch of grownups yet to arrive.

The familiar voices of Sammy and Sean triggered her amygdala releasing dopamine in her brain. She shook with delight as her old friends made their way to the table and pulled out the chairs to sit.

Sammy was the first to notice the stroller. He covered half of his face with his hand and bent to the stroller to get a closer look at the sleeping baby. It was then Sean and Chris noticed their unexpected visitor. They jumped up walking quickly to Tobi's side to see the child.

'Wow Tobi, congratulations. She's very pretty boo. Chris didn't give us heads-up about the baby, we would have brought gifts.' Sean commented.

'Surprise!' She said swinging her hands in opposite directions as they made their way back to their seats. 'I'll show her face properly when she wakes up, she's people friendly so you can hold her.'

'Aww, she's really so pretty. What's her name?' Sammy asked as he bent over the stroller again shifting the extra canopy inside to get a closer look at the baby. 

'Oluwadamilola. She's gonna bring mama some wealth.' They chuckled.

Chris smiled in spite of his sour mood. Any moment and the boys will ask her about her husband or the father. He didn't want her to become uncomfortable if she couldn't answer the questions.

'So, how come we didn't hear anything about your wedding? A poster would have been enough to make me fly here to attend, invitation or not.' Sean said as he poured himself a non-alcoholic wine.

'Then I won't forget to invite you. You will be on my high table.' Sammy, Sean and Chris turned simultaneously to look at her.

Did she have this baby out of wedlock?

She saw the question in their eyes. Chris' expression was more of anxiety. Why was he worried? She didn't respond to their curiosity, instead, she drew the extra canopy over her daughter's face, picked up her spoon and started eating.

'How is working in Lagos like Sean? It's still traffic non-stop abi?'

'Yes. It's still a State for hustlers. Me, I be fresh boy, I need somewhere calm like A.B.J. I don tire for Lagos.'

'Oh really? If you're already tired and bored, why don't you quit your job and work for me?'


'Yes naw. I own a school and the pay is really good plus, it's just eight to six work. No lele.'

Sammy burst out laughing. 'You should guy, this is like a dream come true.' 

'Yeah. You can be teaching the children nursery rhymes.' Chris chipped in.

'Abi naw. Just tell your parents you now do the work of passing knowledge to upcoming legal practitioners.' Tobi added. 'Your six years won't be wasted.' 

The lunch turned into a late night dinner. The only time it got boring was when she got up to change Dami after that, they took turns carrying the baby. She noticed that Chris wasn't as anxious as before. He even cuddled Dami when she insisted the baby needed to nap. "He'd make a good father and husband." This was the third time this evening the thought came to her and she didn't bother to deny it. He was handling the baby so well making it harder for her to ignore him.

Her mother's call brought back her consciousness of time. It was 8:47pm by the time she left the boys to go home.

The drive home made Tobi vexed. Dami's birth mother was in town to complete the adoption process. Dealing with the woman was like dealing with a thrifty and hard-boiled person. Getting her to finally agree giving up the child she hadn't minded selling before was excruciating. It got worse when she learnt of Tobi's financial status. She shook her head before nodding slightly at her gateman.    

She hoped Dami's mother didn't come with some new adjustments and demands again. She'd tell her friends about Dami's birth after the papers were finalized. She chided herself knowing well that the only person she really wanted to tell was Chris. 

Her phone beeped as she entered the house. Dami was of topmost priority so she dropped her bags, went to bath, change, feed and put her to sleep before coming back to the living room to check her phone.

The screen came to life as she picked it up. "Hey Tobi, calculating Abuja traffic with the distance of your parents house minus twelve minutes, I believe you're home. How's the little miss? I enjoyed carrying her today. Apart from her light weight, it felt good carrying your child. It was a lovely outing, you and her made my day. Please bring her if there'll be a next time. Rest well, I know that being a single parent isn't easy. Don't ask me how I know it, I just do. You don't have to reply or call me. By the way, I've caught Sammy looking at the pictures of your baby several times since we got back. Good night Tobi."  

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