Chapter 22

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~~And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
                               John 8:32(NKJV) ~~

'Mrs Ade? Dá sauri kí sàmì akwatin magani!' Neither Tobi nor Mrs Ade made any attempt to move as the words that can out from the man's mouth were swallowed by the wind.

'Mrs Ade what's he saying?'

'I can't hear him!' She replied running towards him. 'My son! My son!' She bellowed as she got to them. One hand shakily went up to his forehead slapping his cheeks lightly to get a reaction. His body jerked, blood escaped from the material tied round his head as the cloth fell to the ground.

They had to get out of there. She grabbed her son from the worried man and made their way through the tight crowd shutting her door as soon as Tobi and another man entered.

'Tobi bring my first aid box! Honey, hold him! Make him lie down, hold him against your Chest! Can't you see blood gushing out from his head?' As soon as she placed him on the bed, she went in search for her first aid box. 'How am I going to treat him, I can't even find my box!' She said almost as white as a ghost.

'Get me my box! Who has my box? Are you all deaf, can't you see him bleeding.' Mrs Ade ran to the boy placing his head calmly on her laps as she bandaged his head. Her lips shook and the words that came from her mouth were soundless.

She reached for his hands offering pecks to his palm. 'Don't do this to me, wake up! I've done everything I can. Please wake up Akin, wake up.' The back of her head touched the wall as she pulled him closer to her chest cradling him. She heard his shallow intake of breath.

'Mummy?' Her hand rose to his face rubbing against his cheek. She swallowed saliva seeing his pupils dilate and feeling his muscles weaken as he turned cold.

'Mrs Ade, let's pray.' The voice came from behind Tobi.

'Yes pastor Dare, pray for me son. Tell God to wake my baby up!' She continued shaking her unresponsive son.

'In Jesus name. Father I thank you for your son, thank you for his mother, father and siblings. You said it is a good thing to give thanks to you so I'm grateful for the son you gave to this family.'


'Just like you did for Lazarus, the dead man that came to life as he touched the bones of Elisha, do for your son. Raise him up.'

Tobi moved closer to Mrs Ade and placed her hand over her blood soaked hand. Veins emerged from all parts of Mrs Ade's body and she kissed the top of Akin's head. Her eyes closed when the boy's hand fell to the floor.

For the first time in her life, Tobi opened her mouth to pray. Whether the words made sense or not, she said them making sure nothing was left unsaid. She blinked back tears but unable to stop them, they ran down her cheeks. 'Wake him up God, let him wake up so that everything can be fine.'

Minutes later and Mrs Ade's grip on Tobi increased digging her nails into Tobi's hand. Her son's skin was beginning to take its mottled colour.

Mr Ade sat quietly on the other end of the bed as the pastor concluded his prayers.

'I'm sorry Mrs Ade. I'm really sorry.' Tobi said whispering into Mrs Ade's ear.

Pastor Dare moved closer to them patting Mr Ade lightly on the shoulder.

'Baby, it's going to be okay.' Tobi gave way for Mr Ade. 'We'll be fine.' The words sounded comforting but he didn't believe them that moment.

They stood in silence waiting until Mrs Ade's flung open barking instructions at them. 'What are you all doing here? Why aren't you helping them prepare for the program? Don't tell me you're still here because of me. Leave here all of you and go and plan for the program. I'll join you all shortly as soon as I change into something else. The program will not run itself. Leave all of you!'

They were torn between obeying her and staying.

'For goodness sake why are you all still here? Am I talking to myself? Shouldn't you all have left by now. Pastor Dare you came here to organise a program, shouldn't that be what you should be doing? Leave all of you!' This time, no one hesitated except Tobi.

'It's going to be okay Mrs Ade. I'm here if you need me.'

'You shouldn't stop a program because of a minor issue like this, God wouldn't be happy if they postpone this program because of my son. This is once in a year. They're new converts out there that need to hear the word of God or else they'd head back into sin.'

'I understand what you are saying but I guess God should also understand what just happened. It'd be unfair and wicked if He doesn't understand. You just lost your son, surely he understands. Please, forget about the program and rest.'

'This decision is not up to me. God giveth and He taketh. He gave me my son for so long, I'm grateful for that. He's chosen to take him on a day as special as this, I'm also grateful. Either way, He's worthy to be praised.' She moved Akin's head gently and to stand.

'I'll tell the others you need to rest.'

'Don't you dare! I didn't ask you to do that. Didn't you hear what I said? God giveth and He taketh. I expect that with your level of exposure and education you should understand simple and clear medieval English! Why don't you get ready for the program? You'll enjoy it.' She threw her clothes to the floor walking away.

'What's wrong with you?' Tobi asked walking faster to face her. 'You're wasting your time. You have all been wasting your time serving a God that doesn't exist. He doesn't even care about you yet you want to go out and evangelise. A God that couldn't even help your son after praying for so long!'.

'Why haven't you reasoned it? After so many years of serving Him you're still dirt poor, you can hardly even survive and you do almost every menial job. Most villagers are even better off yet you still want to go out and pray. Why don't you think for once? There's no God anywhere that loves you. I'm sure He prefers rich and powerful people to you. If He really cared He should have answered your prayer. Please Mrs Ade, rest, don't worry about the program.' They stood panting.

'That's your own opinion and I don't care, I won't change it just like I haven't tried to change it in months. You can choose to leave this house but if you stay, you better accept it right now that I'll always keep serving God. I don't serve Him only in the good times but I also serve Him in the bad times. So rage all you want, I'm washing blood off my body and I'm going to serve my God.' Tobi waited for her to get out of sight before storming out.

The distance to the hill looked farther than usual as she walked stopping occasionally to cry. 'Mrs Ade believes so much in you, I wish I could tell her that there's no God. These people follow blindly, let them at least know the truth, they deserve that much!

'You don't even exist, you don't even live so why do I bother asking for help? I'll help them, as soon as I get out of this village I'll bring enough contractors to develop this place. Something you should have done for them.' She didn't try the tears this time and ran all the way to the hill.

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