Chapter 33

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~~Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.
   Hebrews 13:8(NKJV)~~

The traffick light moved to a red and every car it affected stopped giving the other lanes their fair chances to move.

Development was reaching its peak in this State. She looked through her tinted window noticing the new buildings containing renovated shops. Business owners even compulsorily registered their businesses under the Corporate Affairs Commission to mitigate future incidents of stolen names or customers.

Things have been better since citizens took the growth of this country into their own hands and the dependence of the government was at the bottom.

Her head hit the window, she rubbed her forehead with her fingers easing the pain in her head. Last night was a deja vu to the first night she brought Dami home. Crying nonstop, waking up too many times to be changed or fed. The little miss didn't know compassion. She looked into the rear view mirror to check her foundation. Perfect! Nigerian cosmetic brands gave her makeup that blended with her skin and not the yellow face brown body that was very popular. Taye did well opening that makeup company.

When the light turned green, she  changed gear to Drive, trafficated to her left and drove into the complex. She didn't need to search for Chris, he was standing by the side of the entrance head bent on his phone.

'Good afternoon Chris, you should have sat down.'

'No.' He replied smiling lightly. 'I didn't want you to miss me. Come on. I told the chef you will prefer goat meat peppersoup to fish. Isn't it?' He walked quickly to the restaurant and returned with two bottled water.

'Yes. Thank you, though I stopped eating it months ago.'

'Why? You were eating it at least twice a week those days.' He said eyeing her body.

She snorted. 'I just eat what my cook gives me these days or what I make, no time to go out.'

'Hmm! Then it's good I'm bringing back memories. When did you sleep last night? You didn't sound sleepy when you picked.'

'After I dropped your call. I was working late.'

'Oh. Your career is stressful then.' She nodded watching the waiter drop the food.

The steam from the food rose into Tobi's nose. She drew her head closer to the bowl inhaling it. Stopping when she heard Chris laugh.

'That's a scent I miss. It smells exactly like University days.'

'It is.'


'Its Mama Osifo. I helped her get a place here.'

She smiled picking up a spoon. Chris was always thoughtful, looking for ways to help others.

'That's nice. I'll greet her before I go.'

'Tobi?' She forced herself to look at him ignoring the piece of goat meat in front of her half open mouth. Gently, she drank the soup dropping the meat back in the bowl.


'For so many years I've hoped to find you. I know this is me being selfish again but the truth is, I didn't leave Abuja because of you.'

Tobi sat back realizing what this lunch actually was about.

'I didn't sleep well last night, I kept thinking of ways to tell you how sorry I was for how things ended. I know I was a large reason you left Benin. I was insensitive, not thinking of you when I told you how I felt that day. Now God has brought us together, I shouldn't waste time but apologize.'

The past. Leaving UNIBEN was like the biggest mistake then. She was an excellent student with prospects of becoming a judge or a lawyer. Seven years later and that decision was her best one.

One look at him and she knew he was expecting her to lose herself.

'It's okay Chris. If you didn't bring it up I wouldn't have thought of it. Thank you.'


'I follow a different path now. I'm a teacher.' He meat involuntarily entered his throat hearing her. 'Not like a class teacher, not that it's a bad idea but I own the school. It's a school of technology. Most of my students are from villages. They're also some students from rich homes too. Doing this makes me very happy, I don't think law would have. So, thank you Chris, I'm the one indebted to you.'

Her words gave him a slight ache. She did seem happy. He was a fool to ever think she'd suffer. Apart from her rich parents, she made something very beautiful with her life. How did he come to think he'd need to work hard to help her when he finally met her?

He played with the soup in front of him chiding himself.

'I'm happy for you.' He said absentmindedly. 'Did you go back to complete your law degree?'

'No. I read Business Administration at the University of Cambridge. I graduated two years ago.'

He nodded collecting a napkin to wipe his lips. 'Your school, I'd like to see it one day.'

'I hope after you see it you don't fall in love and resign from your job to apply for a teaching position there.'

'I'll take my chances.' They laughed and ate in silence until they finished eating. 'I'm really happy to see you again. I almost told Sammy to fly here to be with me.'  He said snorting. 'He would have been here to hold me incase you didn't show.'

'I wouldn't have stood you up.'

'If it isn't Tobi, the mother of Dami.' The voice came from afar, there was no time to see the caller as the person was already by their side. 'I saw you and I could not just not say hi.'

Tobi dropped her napkin and stood to hug the elderly woman. 'Good afternoon aunty.'

'Afternoon. Speaking of the angel, I just finished speaking to your mother.' Aunty Endurance continued ignoring Tobi's widened eyes and shake of head.

'That's good. You returned early o. Aunty Sonia didn't think you'd come home until December. How was Port Harcourt? Did you pass through any river? Ah! You added weight!'

Aunty Endurance smiled. 'PH was fine, but I'm more concerned about you, your mother is worried. How's Dami? When I heard you had a child I just had to return quickly. Your mother only promised me the full gist when I return.'

Tobi could sense Chris' eyes boring into her. She ignored it smiling at the woman.

'Aunty, this is my friend Christopher, this is a meeting.' She said as she leaned closer to the older woman. 'You're making the both of us uncomfortable, I didn't even tell him I had a child. And I thought you fixed your hearing aide, why do you still talk so loudly?' She stood straight pulling the peplum on the woman's stomach. 'Did your implants operation go well?'

Aunty Endurance's light face immediately turned red. 'No! See you another time. Hello young man!' She greeted hurrying away.

Tobi sat refusing to let Chris' looks of surprise and sadness unnerve her. 'That's a distant relative.' She commented after a while. 'She's more like an aunt now. She sees everything and won't keep quiet until she shouts it.'

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