Chapter 5

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~~Let all that you do be done with love.
1 Corinthians 16:14(NKJV)

If Chris could describe how Tobi had looked he wouldn't have done a great job. She was drop dead gorgeous. Her eyes were what caught his attention first and they held eye contact for a few seconds before he looked down at her gown. He knew she was also checking him out.

Her make-up couldn't have been more perfect. Her eyeshadow was smokey with an almost invisible touch of gold which was the same colour of her gown, her lips were not painted, she had used transparent lipgloss that brightened her normally small but full mouth. The earrings were small pearl stones that glittered just like her dress. Her hair was packed in a bun with a little strand falling from the rest and touching her left ear. He almost went and tucked it behind her ear but he couldn't move himself from were he was standing. The Sherri Hill gown she was wearing did justice to her body and face. He couldn't point out the exact colour of the dress because it had almost all the colours and was shining against the light in the hostel.

The gown was handless with only a very tiny rope holding the gown to her front but it was at the same time not revealing her cleavages. It flowed to her toes and fit into every curve like her hips. It was a straight but fitting gown. One dominant colour was gold with a mixture of light brown that could easily be mistaken as the colour of the gold in the dress which was a great compliment to her light skin. He could now understand why her boyfriend had gone to the lengths of getting her the dress. He must have taken his time to select the dress because it was a perfect fit.

Her shoes were not too obvious because of the length of the gown but he could see her well manicured nails. They were painted black which was a matching colour to her small purse. He couldn't see the back of her dress because she was still leaning against the car.

He knew passersby could feel what he was feeling, lust. He had to control himself from feeling such things but he couldn't stop his heart from beating and wishing she was his girlfriend and not just his date.

If not that she had already seen him he might have turned back and gone inside to hide. He was feeling like a poor match compared to how she was dressed. He hadn't wasted time on his appearance because he had not felt the need to, he was wishing he took his cousin's advise and cut his hair or maybe taken the suit his roommate had volunteered to give him. He was even wearing the same suit he wore to his Senior Prom. Not that he looked horrible but he didn't look as perfect as his date was.

He swallowed and walked the rest distance to her. 'Hi.'

'Sorry for keeping you Chris,' she ignored his greeting and looked from him to his roommates waving slightly in greeting. 'Sean called, he is there and the dinner is not starting till nine. We still have thirty minutes.' she didn't look impressed about something, maybe it had to do with how he was looking or the fact that his roommates were there with him.

'Thank God. I hate missing the red carpet.' he was excited about going for the red carpet, at least he would take pictures with her and pretend she was his when they interviewed the both of them tonight.

He moved closer to her to ask her if she would let him put the small bouquet of flowers on her free hand.

He brought out the flowers from the box and held them for her to see. 'Can I wear them for you?'

She looked at the flowers before answering. 'Okay. Thanks Chris, they smell nice.'

'You look lovely Tobi. When I saw you earlier, I thought about running.' He moved to her front and tied the flowers to his wrist.

'Why?' her smile told him she had already guessed why.

'Don't you see how you look? My goodness, everybody is talking about you. Before I came here I was already curious to know who the stunning queen was. Nobody has noticed the other ladies tonight, they all have eyes on you.' She laughed.

'Really?' She asked smiling and let him lead her to the car waiting for them.


They had about five minutes to arrive at the venue because the road was free. Tobi took out a small mirror from her purse and did final touches to her face.

She brought out her portable sized perfume, sprayed it behind her ears and her neck.

He smiled at her and sat up when the car stopped inside the compound of their venue.

'John, when do you close for the day?'

'I will be back anytime you are done.'

'Okay then, I'll call you. Thanks!'

Chris opened his side of the door and went round to open her door before she did.

'We made it in time for the red carpet. You didn't bring a jacket, you're going to be cold.' He was not too happy with her decision to go sleeveless and without a jacket because the night was going to be cold and the dinner hall obviously made preparations for air conditioning.

'Well, we'll just wait and see.' she smiled and let him lead the way to the red carpet.

Chris leaned into her and whispered that they would need to go take pictures and get interviewed before the dinner would start. She excused herself from the people talking to her and headed towards the red carpet with Chris.

'I could see the cameraman checking you out.' Chris teased. 'I know you will win best dressed, I'm happy I chose you as a date, maybe I might win too for being your partner.'

'Really? What makes you think I won't choose a better dressed male than you?'

Chris widened his eyes. 'You won't try it na.'

'You think so?' she smiled at him before turning her back for the cameraman to get a back picture of her dress.

'Please don't do it, today is the only day I will get recognised in this faculty. Let me enjoy it.'

'I will think about it.' she said and pouted.

'The hall is nice.' She complimented inside.

'Yeah! I can see Sean and Lizzy Tobi, let's sit with them. I told Sammy to reserve two seats.'

Almost all the seats were filled up around them. She had to squeeze herself between two chairs when one of the girls refused to stand up for her to pass. Whoever chose the seats chose rightly. The seats were close to the stage and didn't have too much light focused on them.

Sean, Sammy and Lizzy saw them but only Sean and Sammy got up to greet them.

'Wow Tobi, I didn't choose well for us, the lights should be concentrated on you tonight. You look dazzling, you're stealing every other girl's shine.' it was said loudly for those around to hear. Tobi could trust Sean not to hide his feelings about something or someone.

'As a matter of fact you are correct, you absolutely didn't choose the right seats tonight mate.'

Everybody turned to look at the direction the voice came from, only Tobi knew who the person was.

'Caleb?' she almost screamed as she turned back to ensure she had heard his voice correctly and not some imagination.

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