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Xavier POV

I tried to sink in the memories that happened today.

This morning, I woke up feeling a bit sick. My head spinning and the pain inside it's just so extenuating that I feel like it breaks into two. I grabbed the pain killer on my medicine drawer.

I can't afford to be lazy today. I have an important meeting to do. The listings and people are already prepared. I can't afford to disappoint them. If anything should be, it is my responsibility to be a good example to my employees.

Thank goodness the medicine kicked into my body and I drove to my office safely. As expected, everyone is already there.

At the beginning of the meeting it was quite alright but when my headaches struck again. I began to feel dizzy and my consciousness was fading. I feel like I am floating and my eyelids feel so heavy.

I keep fighting it but the more I struggle the more I feel low. My energy seems to leave my body and without knowing my body hurted the ground floor. Last thing I saw before my eyes closed was seeing my employees panicking.

The beeping sound fell on me, making me stirred from my sleep. As I opened my eyes, I thought I was already dead. Because I saw a beautiful angel looking closely at me.

If this is what they call heaven I don't mind being here. If this is what it takes to see her again then I don't care anymore if this is then. I would choose this in a heartbeat over and over again.

But somehow something inside me thinks that this is not a dream nor heaven. It resists those fantasy thoughts. So I decided to prove myself that I am not. I hastily move my body upward to sit up but only to be stopped by her.

"Don't move! Record says here that you pass out. And I don't think you have the ability to move your body. So stay still and rest while I check on you!" She said and I definitely am not dreaming now.

I am 100 percent convinced that I am not dreaming nor in heaven. Well, it feels like heaven right now seeing you. But not hypothetically speaking I'm in heaven.

But what puzzles me the most is how she looked at me. As if she didn't know me. She acted like I am a pure stranger to her. Because if not she would be either running away when she first time seey me or punch me square on my face. Yeah definitely those two options.

But instead she acted like she didn't know me. Those eyes when looking at me eye to eye never reacted like that. She would blush when I stared at her , always been.

"Good!" She said when she saw me settle again. "By the way, I am Charlotte. I will be your attending doctor!" She said and I almost choked on my own spit when she said her name out loud.

I thought if she's acting like she didy know she might not be my Charlotte. Maybe she's just a doppelganger of hers. But she's saying it out loud. I thought my heart would stop beating for a second.

"You ok? How are you feeling?" She asked me again.

I am about to tell her . Is she trying to mess with me? Why is she not recognizing me? There's so many why's. But before I could let out it all.  My mom barged into the room looking all messed up and her eyes looking puffy. For sure she cried a bucket before she came here.

"Son, are you ok? How are you feeling?" She said looking at me with so much worry.

"Mom, I am ok! See?? Don't worry!" I told her as I raised my hands to her. "Nothing to worry Mom!" I said, trying to ease her worries.

Just then my mom did the expected thing she would do to me. She of course pinched me on the tip for skin.

"Mom! What the fuck!" I hissed as I rubbed the skin that she pinched by my hand.

"Don't you dare curse at me, boy! I am your mother. And to answer that question. How the hell did you end up with this? " My goodness my mom she's very pretty energetic is she?

Before I could say anything to her she turned her attention to Charlotte who's looking at us both shocked and confused.

" Oh dear! Sorry I didn't notice you there. This idiotic son of my mine decided to be idiot. Who the hell passed out and dehydrated at this age? I mean he's too old for it right?" She said to her then pointed at me.

Charlotte just smiled slightly and clearly she's not comfortable with us.

"So your the doctor of my idiotic son? Good! Good!" Then she turned her attention to me. When she faces me I know the look of her face. " You're in good hands, son!!" She even threw a secret playful wink at me then to her again.

"Thank you Mam for trusting me!" Charlotte said.

"Oh sorry where's my manners. By the way dear, this is my son who I have been talking about to you!" She what? Keep telling her about me?

"This is Xavier Knight Jr but you can call him Xav for short. He is hard headed, stubborn and annoying so please have patience with him but all along he is very handsome and charming!" She said

"Mom, why didn't you start by saying the latter, not those annoying, hard headed and stubborn. I am far from that!"

"Far? If you're far from that then you wouldn't land your ass here in our hospital. You wouldn't be lying there like an idiot!" She said to me and our attention snapped to Charlotte when we heard her sniffles and laughed.

"Mom, you are embarrassing me!" I whined at her

"Shut up! Xavier, this is Charlotte, she's the one I've been telling you about!" Then she came closer to me and whispered something to me. " I know that look! Now you are clearly regretting your decision not to meet her. Now it's your loss!" She said and pulled her head up.

If I had known it was her I wouldn't have to think. I will say yes immediately.

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