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Xavier POV

I couldn't contain my smile when I saw her entering my room. She's wearing a cute white plain dress that looks so fucking good on her. But when I saw she's not alone I wanted to growl seeing she is with a guy. 

And I don't like how he looks at her. He looks at her like my dad looks at my mom. Yeah, those puppy eyes and I hate it badly. I should be the only one looking at her like that. She's mine to look, touch and love.

Mine… mine.. mine… 

Soon I will implant in her mind that she's mine. I won't let any other guy take a move on her. I will stake my claim sooner. 

"What's going on?" I asked her once she's closer to me. 

"This is Doctor Torres, he will be in charge of you  and assist you for your discharge tomorrow!" She said to me and I looked at her confused. 

"What? Why? I mean your doctor. You're in charge of me?" 

"Yeah, but I am afraid I have to miss tomorrow. It's my day off actually and I have important things to do! I hope you understand Mr knight!"

"What? Why? Where are you going?"

"I have important personal matters to attend to," She answered. 

"What kind of personal matter?" 

"Personal?" She countered back. 

"Tell me!" 

"My personal matter doesn't have to do with you Mr knight. So I don't think you need to know!" She answered. 

"Then I won't allow you!"


"You hear me!"

"Excuse me? She snapped. 

"Come on!" 

"Look Mr knight. I already asked your mom. And she said yes to this!" She said, 

"Fine!" I pouted at her. 

I need to have a little talk with my mom after this.  Charlotte replaced by this junk guy? No way! I would rather go home earlier than this guy be my doctor. 

Anyway, the reason why I agreed to extend my stay here it's because of her. Then, if I can't see her tomorrow then I better go home earlier then. 

"So Doctor Torres, this is Xavier!" She said and I didn't bother to look at the guy. 

Then the next moment feels excruciating to me. Both of them talking to each other. Though I can hear them discussing my situation. But I can't help but feel jealous. I just want her attention for myself only. 


"Yes Mr knight?" She lifted her eyes to me and I just loved it when her eyes fixed on me. 

I can feel my heart flutter. 

"Hmmmm… I'm hungry!" I said to her, 

Honestly yes I am! I was waiting for her to come here but I didn't expect she would come with this guy. 

"Ok, what do you want? I'll tell the cafeteria!" 

"Doctor Torres right? Can you get something for me in the cafeteria?" I said. 

I may sound like an asshole right now but I don't care. I just want this guy to be out of my sight. Seeing her looking at my Charlotte like that boiled my blood. How dare he? 

"Ok!" He said and turned his back. 

"With due respect Mr knight it's my job to do it. Why are you rude to Doctor Torres?" She said and I met her angry eyes. 

"Because he's looking at you too much for my liking!"

"I don't think we are talking seriously here! Whoever I am talking to is not your business!"

"It's mine!" 

"Huh?" She said in disbelief. 


"Why are you doing this? Yesterday you said something to the cafeteria. I need to calm down my sister after what you said!" 

"Everything I said is true!" 

"Oh God! Can you please stop Sir? You are out of line!" 

"Out of line?" 

"Yes! You are my patient and I am your doctor. What you are acting is beyond. Stop it!" 

"I am not! I don't want to be just your patient. I want you! I want to be with you!" 

"Excuse me?" She said in disbelief. 

"You heard me! I want to be with you!" 

" I am not looking for anyone romantically Mr knight!" 

"But I am!" I said stubbornly. 

"What? This is unbelievable! I need to talk to your Mom!" 

"Nah… my mom already knows that I like you!" 

"If this is some kind of game to you. Then please stop. This isn't funny Sir!" 

"I am not joking!" 

"Look! If you are looking for fun, spare me. I don't have time for that!" 

"I am not looking for fun, I am dead serious!" 

"Yeah right!" She said sarcastically commented. 

"I am serious. What do you want me to do to prove to you that I am serious!" 

"Can we just let this go so I can proceed to my next patient please???" 

I groaned in annoyance because she did not take me seriously. She started checking on me and I stared at her, really staring at her closely. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her and she turned her eyes in horror. 

"I told you to drop it!" 

"I am asking you to be my girlfriend!" 

"Well I don't want Mr knight!" 

"Then can I be your boyfriend?" I said. 

"You realize it's the same meaning right?"

"Please?? Please??" 

"Mr knight stop joking please???" 

"Be my girlfriend then?" 


"I will be your boyfriend then!" I said stubbornly. 

"What part of no, you don't understand?"

"What part of I want you to be my girlfriend you don't understand?" I counter back. 


" If you want, then let's get married! So I can prove to you that I am serious!" 

"Why don't you take a rest! Doctor Torres will attend to you next!" She said and turned. 

"Oh come on!" I Said trying to stand up. 

"Char please??? "

She didn't hear me, instead she walked away. 

She's certainly changed. My Charlotte won't walk out on me. She always puts me first and she always has a soft spot for me. 

Back there, Charlotte would be happy when I am on her side. She will be all smiling while studying. I don't need to make a move for her. She's happy knowing that I am by her side. 

If only I didn't lose her. If only I knew what happened back there. Why she run away and didn't wait for me in my room? But deep inside of me I know I am wrong. 

If I can turn back the hands of time I will never go to that party instead I stay by her side that night. So in the morning I'll wake up with her by my side.  

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