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Rong Xu sat early in the classroom for several days in a row. Every time Chi Han came in, he could see the small heat insulation bag on his desk, which was specially bought by Rong Xu to bring him something.

Rong Xu has been eating in different ways these days, for fear that Chi Han will get tired of eating.

It was not until Chi Han took his body temperature in front of him that Rong Xu restrained himself, but he had to bring lunch every day.

Today is the mock test for the entire second grade of senior high school, and it is also the last mock test before the summer vacation. It is said that the teachers of this school set the test questions within the scope of senior two according to the difficulty of the college entrance examination in previous years.

All the classes were secretly competing, and they didn't even leave after the evening self-study. The lights were turned off when the school gate was about to close.

However, these classes did not include Class Nineteen.

Even because the summer vacation is approaching, the atmosphere in the class has become more active. The class is often full of chaos. Several times the director of the Academic Affairs Office came in and it was quiet for a while.

Chi Han wanted to estimate his current level for a long time. He heard that the grade ranking of No. 1 Middle School is basically equivalent to the ranking of the whole province.

In order to prepare for today's exam, Chi Han also turned down several deals. Since the pair of earrings and bracelets were sold, people kept sending private messages to him for customized services.

Chi Han agreed after thinking about it, but he would raise the price.

At present, he has already pressed four orders in his hand. When the exams today and tomorrow are over, he has to hurry up to catch the orders.

After all, two weeks after the mock exam is completed, the final exam will follow.

In order to replenish his energy, Chi Han deliberately went to bed an hour early last night. When he woke up in the morning, he was full of energy, feeling that he could blow up Ping Jingluo's hometown at any time.

He still went to the school according to the time of the early self-study. Because the exam had to be arranged in the exam room, most of the desks in the classroom were stacked in the corridor.

Chi Han glanced at it, and then turned around and walked away from the densely piled tables in the corridor. There was no place to put things, so he might as well go to the yard to endorse.

The classical Chinese and ancient poems on the Chinese book have been recited by Chi Han, but the time is too limited. He has not yet memorized the translation of several words and sentences, so he can only look at it temporarily.

I don't know if Rong Xu will come today.

A thought suddenly popped into Chi Han's mind.

He shook his head and turned the pages of the book. According to Rong Xu's character, there is a high probability that he will not come.

Just when he was about to finish reading this classical Chinese essay, the playful voices of several boys came from afar.

Chi Han looked up, and his face suddenly lightened.

The people who came were Li Qing and his group.

Since he was cleaned up by Chi Han and thrown into the cold storage last time, Li Qing has hated and feared him.

I Save The Disabled Villain by Pretending to be Pitiful (Wearing A Book)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora