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The university campus is always full of energy, and during mealtimes, boys and girls with awnings and handing out flyers can be seen everywhere.

Chi Han took Rong Xu and walked slowly on the gravel road, the sun was warming at the moment.

"This is Kangqiao, and the front of the lake is Magpie Bridge. I heard that during the Qixi Festival, everyone came to take pictures and send them to the circle of friends..."

Chi Han said in a ramble, as if to make up for the time missed the previous year.

Rong Xu listened quietly, looking everywhere with his fingers.

When he was alone in the hospital, he always thought of Chi Han.

All kinds of thoughts will come up.

What he was most afraid of at that time was to find out that Chi Han would be happier without him. Every time he thought about it, his heart ached.

The physical pain and psychological pressure caused Rong Xu to suffer from a serious illness. He couldn't get over the fever for several days and nights. In a trance, he relaxed all his strength, and there was only one thought left in his mind.

If he can't wake up this time, will Chi Han be sad?

Rong Xu shed a tear while half asleep.

The corners of the burnt and cracked lips wriggled gently, and the assistant leaned over with red eyes, and all he could hear was the word Chi Han.

These two words have long been engraved into his flesh, deep into his bones.

When people are sick and uncomfortable, they often call out to the people closest to them unconsciously.

The assistant knew that Chi Han was an obsession that Rong Xu couldn't say.

When I went to get the mobile phone, I found that Rong Xu's mobile phone had been turned off at an unknown time. More than 30 missed calls popped up as soon as it was charged and turned on, all of which were from Chi Han.

A phone call was worth the most expensive and famous medicine in the hospital, and Rong Xu was withdrawn that night in critical condition.

The assistant sighed, knowing that the two were completely inseparable.


Rong Xu pinched Chi Han's fingers. It turned out that his hands were always cold, but now they are two points warmer than Chi Han.

He clenched each other's hand tightly and put it in the pocket of his coat, everyone looked like a couple in love.

Chi Han moved his fingers, and then he approached Rong Xu calmly, and the two walked side by side.

"Come here, classmates! Don't miss it when you pass by! The annual painting art festival of the art club has begun, as long as you sign up, you can win the prize! Draw the most beautiful ta in your heart!" A

huge voice came from the loudspeaker , with the sound of sizzling electric current.

Chi Han looked sideways and saw a girl who was vigorously promoting with a loudspeaker.

There are several huge propaganda vertical screens placed outside the awning, with various motivational words written on them.

There is only one central meaning expressed, come and participate in the painting art festival! Not only can you show but also win prizes!

I Save The Disabled Villain by Pretending to be Pitiful (Wearing A Book)Where stories live. Discover now