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Rong Xu didn't expect his secret to be sold on the first day.

When the operation was just finished, both legs were covered with gauze, and the slightest movement was painful even to the belt bone.

Even if he could endure the pain extremely well, he almost fainted from the pain several times, and even using painkillers didn't have much effect.

In the words of the doctor, you can only resist this period of time.

So the only time Rong Xu could relieve the pain every day was when he was on the phone with Chi Han.

But at that time, Chi Han was still preparing for the college entrance examination. Every day because of the time difference, he could only let Chi Han hang up before he said a few words.

When the screen went black, the agonizing pain would surge. He lay helplessly on the bed, clutching the sheets with both hands, and the veins on the back of his hands bulged. past.

Later, when he could sit up for a while, he asked his assistant to buy him a drawing board.

At the beginning, I wasted a lot of paper, but Rong Xu took the drawing board every day and slowly sketched it according to the appearance of the person in his memory.

Imagine what Chi Han is doing at the moment.

Chi Han's face went from fuzzy to clear, and Rong Xu traced it carefully.

His fingertips touched the drawing paper, which was his favorite pair of eyes.

In the eyes are the eternal stars.

After the days of postoperative healing, we ushered in more painful rehabilitation.

No matter how tired he is every day, Rong Xu always picks up a pencil to draw for a while, it seems that this has become an indispensable part of his life.

At the beginning, the doctor was a little bit against it. He believed that the patient should rest more.

The assistant reached out to stop the person, looked sideways at the tall and straight figure sitting alone in front of the drawing board in the ward, and whispered in the doctor's puzzled eyes: "Please leave him some private time, this is the only way for him to forget the pain. ."


Xu stood at the door and hesitated for a moment before opening the door and entering.

In fact, he didn't want Chi Han to know the existence of these drawing papers, he was afraid that he would feel uncomfortable.

Chi Han was squatting on the ground to study the pots of flowers, and hurriedly turned around when he heard the movement. Seeing that it was Rong Xu, there was a smile on his face unconsciously.

"Why did you go for so long, is the result okay?"

Rong Xu took off his coat and hung it up, looked at Chi Han's expression carefully, and after seeing nothing unusual, he said, "No problem, tomorrow You can start the last cycle."

Chi Han nodded, pulled the person to press on the bed: "You lie down first, I asked the assistant, he said it's best to massage your legs for a while every day, blame me, I was negligent before. , I'll help you press it every day in the future, don't leave any sequelae."

Rong Xu sat on the bed and pulled Chi Han's wrist, and pulled the person into his arms with a skillful force.

He smiled and kissed Chi Han's forehead lightly, and said indulgently: "Don't listen to him, my legs are already healed, are you hungry, do you want something to eat? I'll let them cook it for you."

I Save The Disabled Villain by Pretending to be Pitiful (Wearing A Book)Where stories live. Discover now