Chapter Two

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I stared down at Belly and Jeremiah, who were both very close and deep in the water. As I was laughing at the two, I could see out of the corner of my eye that Conrad had a mischievous grin on his face.

Before I could react I felt two arms pick my legs up, so Conrad was carrying me bridal style. "Don't you dare-"

Right as I was about to swear Conrad out and threaten him to not throw me in the water, he did. After I came up for air the only thing I did was glare at him. Steven and Jayden couldn't stop laughing as I flipped all three of them off and walked inside of the house to the three women.

I had to go change so I just waived a quick hi before my mother informed me that my shirt was see through. Black bra and a white crop top, not a good idea. "Shit."

"Don't swear!" My mom yelled out from behind me as I walked back out to my friends to get the keys of the car from Jayden.

"Jay, I need the keys to get our luggage."

Jayden waived me off while continuing to talk with Conrad and Steven. "Dipshit I need a shirt since that other dipshit," I pointed to Conrad. ",Threw me in the water and now my shirts see through to the point where the lace on my bra is visible."

I was covering my chest since the moment I got informed that my shirt was see through so there was nothing to worry about, I just needed the keys to get a shirt. "That enough detail for you, my oh so sweet brother?" Smiling sarcastically at him.

"You can just lend one of mine's or Jere's if it's easier for you." Conrad said to me and I just flipped him off and decided to take him up on that offer, walking to his room and taking my favourite shirt of his.


I wanted to start unpacking and Con was just on my bed staring at the clothes that I have. "How do you even get this on?" He asked confused when he saw a dress that was supposed to go around your neck and then be tied. I started laughing at him while he inspected it.

"I have an idea!" I said with wide eyes and I think Conrad could sense it because he just automatically said no. I picked up my makeup bag and made him sit on the floor. He was very unhappy, if you couldn't tell, but to me it was hilarious.

I first tied his hair up in a ponytail at the front and took a pic so that I can make fun of him after wards. "If you don't delete that till next summer I'm going to hate you for a life time." Informing me with one eye open while I applied eye shadow on his eyelid.

"We both know that you'd never dare." I rolled my eyes at him while chuckling. He really thought he could hate me? Absolutely not.

Conrad just started cursing when I poked his eye on purpose because he wasn't staying still. Jeremiah and Belly bursted through the room while in their bathing suits and looked shocked.

I turned Conrad's head with a smile towards them and Jeremiah just bursted into laughter while Belly told him he looks like he needs actual help.

They asked us if we wanted to go to the beach with them and I decided not to go because I was doing Conrad's makeup and he really didn't have a choice.

"Alright then but don't forget that we are having dinner soon!" I yelled behind them as they shut the door of my room.

"They definitely have something going on." Conrad commented while shaking his head.

"At this point I am their number one fan." I said to Conrad while removing his makeup due to the fact that dinner was very soon.

I still left his ponytail in though. He can't take that off. Me and Conrad talked for a bit before we had to go downstairs for the dinner.


We all sat downstairs while Jeremiah, Steven and Jayden were all looking at Stevens phone. I was sitting beside Conrad and Belly. "I swear to god Steven if you look at that phone one more time I'm putting it in the screen basket." Laurel said annoyed with her son.

"It's just that we wanna see you're beautiful faces." Susannah spoke softly while smiling at the trio that payed no attention to the grown ups.

"Steven." Jeremiah finally waned both of the boys and when Steven didn't react Jeremiah took his phone and threw it in the basket. "Boom! Nailed it!" Jeremiah yelled with a proud grin and I just laughed at how much he has changed.

"Okay we get you've been working out." Steven rolled his eyes while Jayden elbowed him in the stomach while holding in a laugh. They are so rude, now that I think about it.

Belly shot a glare at the two laughing boys, defending Jere. "You're just mad that Jere has a better body then you." Someone's feeling particularly bold today, and that like made me choke on my water. I wouldn't expect Bells to say that.

I coughed while Conrad started laughing and gently hitting my back to get the water out. When I was done with my situation I looked up to see Steven talking.

"It's all about the lean look now otherwise you can't wear tailored suits." He gestured to his own body while sliding his arms down it. Why are these boys so full of themselves? And well Susannah and Laurel and my own mother just silently sipped on their wine without a second word. It became awkward.

"I'm with Steven on this one." Jayden commented. I rolled my eyes at him while smiling.

A few seconds of silence passed before Steven spoke up. "When are you leaving for training camp, man?" He asked, directing his question at Conrad who suddenly looked a bit uncomfortable like there was something that he wasn't saying.

Conrad was just about to answer when Jere beat him to it. "He quit football." Jere said while looking down at his hands.

"You quit football?" I ask, turning my head towards Conrad and he just answered with a hum. I saw that is was a sensitive subject for him to talk about so when Steven started asking questions further I just gave him the death stare to shut him up which he understood.

"Me, Steven and Jeremiah and going to work at the club if you'd like you could join us?" Jayden suggested.

"I'm not gonna work at the club" Conrad answered with a chuckle.

"Wait you guys are working this summer?" Me and Belly ask at the same time. "Jinx!" I yell hitting her shoulder very lightly, almost not touching it.

"Yeah, me and Jeremiah are lifeguarding and Steven's working at the snack shop." Jayden answered and that answer made me laugh.

"Wait you are going to be saving people from drowning?" I ask with a jokingly tone. "Do you even know how to swim?" I ask him again.

"Shut up Athena, before I tell everyone here what you did last Saturday." He says with a smirk and my eyes go wide with fear.

"You wouldn't dare" I tell him still with a scared face. Conrad's now looking at me curiously waiting to know. I just took his hand from under the table and squeezed it for reassuring meaning that I will tell him later.

Jayden just started laughing while my mom was mad at him for swearing at the dinner table. "Oh girls I almost forgot!" said Susannah while getting up to grab something. And she gave us come kind of letters I think and it was another card in it with our names on it.

"I wrangled Belly and Athena to be debutantes!" Susannah said with a cheeky grin.

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