Chapter: 31 "I'm nervous."

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Me and Belly finally arrived at the changing rooms for the debutante ball and I was now doing my makeup beside Shayla as Belly went downstairs to grab something.

I saw Nicole arrive so I waved her over telling her to sit beside me. She did as I asked her and she was now sitting beside me in silence. After about three seconds I spoke up.

"Why would you do that?" I ask closing my concealer. "I mean I get it why you got mad at Belly, totally, but why would you leave us like that I mean I didn't do shit?" I say as I force a smile at her.

"I'm sorry Nina I just thought that you would take her side since she has been your best friend for your whole life and now that I think about it I was just mad that Jayden did that and decided to just leave." She said as she pulled me in a hug.

"Yeah it's okay I get why you left." I say as I chuckle. "Jayden's a bitch." I say making her chuckle too. "But today I'm on talking terms with both him and Belly so I won't be taking sides if a fight breaks out." I say as I pull back from the hug.

"Yeah I understand." She said. "I'm going to join Gigi since she is all alone but thank you for the talk it made me feel better." She said as she got up and left. I turned to Shayla, she was unusually quite which made me wonder what is going on with her.

"Hey babe." I say to her making her turn to look at me. She smiled my way which made my heart melt.

"Hey sweetheart." She said. "I haven't heard from you in quite a while." Shayla chuckled.

"Yeah been dealing with some shit with dad and Belly and Jeremiah and Jayden and blah blah blah." I say opening my contour.

"I'm sorry to hear that Nina." She said as she patted my back. I smiled at her as I took my beauty blender and blender out the contour.

"How are you doing?" I ask her as she leaned back into her seat and looked at me.

"Me and Steven almost got into a fight this morning." She said making my smile drop.  I felt bad for my best friend it's almost as if we haven't talked all summer and it's true. "He lost all of the money he was saving this summer on a bet." She said as she threw her hands up.

"I didn't take you as a gold digger Shayla." I say sarcastically which made her push me very gently, jokingly.

"It's not like that." She said as she laughed. "He was supposed to use the money to buy a tuxedo for the ball." She said as she sighed.

"He did not." I say as I leaned back with my face half done with makeup. Shayla nodded making me turn to her once again. "So what's the solution?" I question.

"He is going to use one of my dad's old ones." She said as I nodded my head as in that, that was a good solution.

"That's actually quite smart." I say as I started blending out my other side of the face.

"How it going with you and Conrad." She said making me roll my eyes with a smile. Shayla has been making fun of me and Conrad and shipping us since I became friends with her.

"Actually quite good." I say. "Finally got my dad to let us be together and it took me forever." I say and I actually think I'm going to tell her about me staying in cousins for a year because of my dad.

"Well that's good to hear,  finally some good news." She said making me nod.

"I'm also staying with my dad for a year in Cousins since my parents are divorced." I say with a grin.

"You are joking." Shayla said as she grinned too. I shook my head as in, no I am not joking I'm actually quite serious. "Oh my God this year is going to be so fun Athena." She said as she threw her hands around my neck.

I hugged her back and I didn't even realise that Belly had arrived and was talking with Nicole. I pulled back from the hug as we started talking about some makeup products and well our boyfriends.

Belly sat beside us when she was done with her talk with Nicole and she looked happy which meant that the conversation went well. She started doing her makeup, joining in on the conversation sometimes.


All of the girls were now done with our makeup and hair and we stood on the staircase and waiting to be called out to go onto the dance floor. I was anxious as shit.

A/N: You can imagine the hair and the dress exactly as you want because this is the "big" scene in this book and this book is coming to an end soon so I just wanted to tell you guys that, imagine whatever hairstyle, makeup and dress as you want. ❤️

"Maya Richards, daughter of Julia and Scott Richards." The lady over he speaker said. I was feeling the needles in my stomach and I was nervous as hell.

What if I fall? What if I don't hear the lady call my name and I leave Conrad there thinking that I abandoned him? What if I forget my steps on the dance floor? What if everything goes to absolute shit?

After about two girls I was now getting up on the last bit of the staircase as I saw Conrad appear on the other side. I smiled up at him and decided to push all of us bad thoughts away. I could just move out if anything embarrassing happens.

"Athena Miller, daughter to Anastasia Anderson and Aaron Miller. She is going to Duke university and was the volleyball team captain in her previous school." The lady said.

I had already started walking when the lady began speaking but now I reached Conrad with a smile. I took my arm through his as we smiled too.

"You look absolutely gorgeous." He said making me roll my eyes really quickly. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"You don't look bad yourself." I say as we walked to the last bit of the steps and now the photos began. There were about four people with cameras, pointing them at us and taking pictures.

"She raised 7000 dollars for the homeless children shelter." Paige or should I call her Miss Paige said as she looked at us. I grinned sarcastically at her making her roll her eyes with a smile. I guess that the woman didn't hate me after all.

Me and Conrad walked down to the end of the stairs and I just realised the that all of the parents were looking at us. Susannah and my mom held hands and both of their eyes were glossy.

They acted like we were getting married which made me chuckle. I did love Conrad after all but-.

Am I in love with the one and only Conrad Fisher?

A/N: Hiiii guys. 😍 Im so sorry for not being active yesterday it was my besties birthday so I was at her house all day and also I wanted to be done with this book before school started which is August 17th.😭

I just wanted to thank all of you guys for this amazing opportunity to be able to write to 58K+ people and to have you guys actually like it. ❤️

You don't know how much it means to me when you guys just as much as comment on one of the chapters because it brings me so much joy to know that real people actually enjoy my book and actually read it.

That's the reason I answer every comment I see, because I feel so so so happy when I see the notification that someone commented on this story and I feel so appreciated by all of you. ❤️❤️

I'm so sad to say that there are only about three to two chapters left for this story and i just wanted to say that I am incredibly grateful for all of you guys and that I couldn't do this without you.

I actually think I'm going to cry when I write the last chapter because I know that my inbox won't be full of people, commenting and voting and adding my story to their reading lists.

I absolutely love all of you guys and if I could I would never want for this book to end and that's why, when season two I put I will be continuing to write this book. <3


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