Chapter: 23 "Taylor's back"

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It was now already 10am and I was making coffee while Conrad went outside for a morning surf. I had and still have a bad headache and I refuse to drink that crap that Jeremiah made me last time. I guess I'm just going to have to deal with my hangover for now.

"Hey." Conrad said as he entered the kitchen still wet from surfing. I turned around with my coffee mug in my hands while I smiled at him.

"Hello." I say walking over to him. I offered him coffee which he declined and pulled me into a kiss. I guess now was the right time to tell him.

"Hey Con." I say pulling away from the kiss. "I have something to tell you but don't be mad okay?" I say trying to hold in my laughter.

"Yeah of course what is it?" He asked while his smile dropped and his face turned into an serious expression.

"I signed you up for the tournament." I say fast while a smile spread across my face. I knew that he wouldn't let me play alone and that really deep inside he was exited that I signed him up.

His jaw dropped to while the corners of his mouth twitched upwards for just a second. "You signed me up for the tournament?" He asks not being able to contain his smile.

"Yeah I hope it's not a problem." I say while I took a sip of my coffee. He just smiled and shook his head meaning that he didn't have a problem with it.

I smiled and pulled him into another kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist while I was trying to not spill the coffee from the mug that was now in my hands.

"Steven?!?" You could hear Belly yell from upstairs. The screaming made us break apart and look at each other in confusion.

"Belly are you okay?" I shout as loud as I can from the kitchen hoping that the girl heard me upstairs.

"Yes I'm fine thank you Nina!!" Belly shouted back meaning that she heard me when I asked her. It was probably another one of hers and Stevens "fights".


Conrad left to go with Cleveland to help him at the marina while me and Belly were in her room. When he left I was bored so I decided to go and annoy Bells. I was sitting on her bed while she was trying to pick out an outfit to wear.

"Hey Nina." She said turning to me. "I have something to tell you." She said again while she waited for me to answer.

I dropped my phone and looked up at her. "Go on." I say gesturing with my hands. She walked towards the bed and sat on it while she was fidgeting with her fingers.

"I kissed Jeremiah last night." She said while she looked up at the ceiling. I knew that something would happen between them this summer and I was right. But I didn't understand why she was feeling guilt about it.

"Why is that a bad thing?" I ask taking her hand in mine for support. Maybe it was because of Cam? I really have no idea.

"Well it's kind of like cheating because I still didn't break up with Cam." She said while she squeezed my hand. I mean Cameron is a great guy but he was kind of like her escape from having to say something to Jeremiah. Of course I felt bad that she was dating this sweet boy while she was going around and kissing other people but she should definitely break up with him.

"You should break up with Cam and be with Jeremiah because if you really were in love with the first person you wouldn't of have had fallen for the second one." In this case Cam was the first person and Jere was the second.

"Yeah you are probably right." She said while she walked over to her closet and continued trying to find the right outfit for today. I was already dressed and ready to go.

"You should wear the debutante dress for the portrait Bells." I say getting the new idea into my head. She turned around with a smile on her face while she walked towards me and gave me a hug which I returned.


Belly was now already done with her portrait and she went upstairs to change while I was already changed into the volleyball T-shirt and shorts. I put my hair up in a ponytail so that it wouldn't get in the way while we were playing.

I have been training volleyball since I was 11 so this wouldn't be a problem but Belly is actually pretty good at volleyball so I'm feeling nervous. Belly is also a lot taller then me so it will be easier for her to play but she's really good at it too. Okay now I'm actually scared for my life.

I was pouring cereal when I heard the outdoor door open and Connie walked in. "How are you back so early?" I ask smiling towards him which he returned.

"I came early so that I could be ready in time for the tournament." He said while he took a spoonful of my cereal.

"Okay we'll go get ready I think I left your shirt on you bed." I say giving him a kiss while Belly walked into the kitchen.

"It's still weird seeing you two kiss and be together with each other." She said as she did a weird hand movement towards us. Conrad just chuckled as he passed her to go get ready.

"When's Taylor coming?" I ask as she started making her protein drink? Or something like that. And as if on cue the doorbell rang.

"Now." Belly said making me chuckle. I loved Taylor so much. We were like a trio, me, her and Bells.

Belly ran to the door while I finished eating my cereal and was now washing the bowl in the sink. I heard footsteps coming closer to the kitchen and I knew that it was Belt and Taylor coming in.

I dried my hands at the same time that Taylor walked into the kitchen. "Athena!" Taylor said as she ran-walked towards me making me laugh.

"Taylor!" I say calling her the same that she called me.
We hugged and I think that this was the second tightest hug I've ever been in. The first one was when Susannah hugged me when we just arrived in Cousins.

"You are playing too?" She asked with a smile on her face as she was spotted my shirt.

"Yeah I'm with Conrad." I say making her smile even more. She was always our number one shipper and I was always her and Stevens but now that he was with Shayla I understood that some people just aren't meant to be together and it's okay.

A/N: so ummmmm I'm sorry for not updating 💀 LMAOOO I was too lazy and I was also at the amusement park today and I just came back. 😭

Like I said I have the worst writers block like I have no idea what to write and if you have ideas or suggestions PLEASE write them in the comments.

Oh and also who should win the tournament? 😍

Belly's team ❤️


Athena's team ❤️

I think that it would be better if Belly's team won because like the story is built up because of her so yea. But if you want Athena and her team to win I can definitely make it work 😈.

like I wrote this story because I was mainly bored to death and I couldn't find any Conrad stories that were PERFECT for my mind but now I have some <3 LIKE TYSM I WOULD HAVE NEVER EXPECTED THIS AT ALL. I HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A GREAT DAY AND ILY!❤️

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