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Conrad, Jere, Bells, Jayden, Steven and I were on the roof, sipping drinks and talking. We used to do this a lot back when we were younger. We thought we were so cool for being able to walk on the roof without slipping and dying. Well the pool is just under so it could save us.

"Do you guys remember the time that Steven shit his pants and Jere followed because he thought it was a game!" I held my stomach, laughing at the thought. They got in so much trouble for that.

Belly almost choked on her drink as she got caught up in laughter. "Oh so we're playing mean now?" Steven gasped as I immediately regretted what I said. "Well I caught Conrad and Athena in the kitchen kiss-" I threw a candy at him.

"Big low Steven." Conrad chuckled as Jere was still laughing about the shitting pants situation. Jayden and Belly were pretty much laughing about everything.

"Okay, but do you remember when Belly drove into a lake with her bike which led to Athena crashing into a bush or roses on her roller skates!" Jayden burst into another fit of laughter followed by all of the other boys. I stopped laughing at that as both me and Belly planned something.

"Okay but do we recall when Jayden and Conrad went on the biggest rollercoaster and ended up throwing up all over a old lady and her dog?" Belly pointed to them both as I laid on my back, laughing too much.

Jere followed as all of us stared into the night sky. Laying on our backs as this wasn't the most comfortable position everyone was quiet. We don't get to do this enough. When you're a teenage you don't feel like a human. Even if you don't have a reason to feel bad your mind still does.

You could be living with pure happiness and yet, you'd still feel like shit inside. At some point or another. When you get older you don't get that many moments like these. When everyone is happy and cheerful.

As everyone was still quiet Jayden and Jeremiah got up. Like their minds were the same. They threw a small rock into the water while staring down. I propped myself with my elbows while furrowing my brows. What were they thinking?

"Totally!" They said before taking all of us up from our laying positions. "Okay so, we think that it would be fun to jump."


"Yeah, it's not that far and it's something we've always wanted to do. You know, something that we'd get in trouble for." Jeremiah smiled as all of us shared a knowing look.

"Okay, on three." I smiled as Belly still didn't look convinced but grabbed onto my hand.




All of us jumped at the same time while the adrenaline rushed through our veins. It was like going on a rollercoaster but better. We knew that our mothers were in the kitchen and they could see us when we landed in the water but we still did it. The summer is halfway done and we have to do something to remember it by. Right?

A loud smash was heard while our bodies were in the water. We survived! Whoho! I swam up from the water while all of us chuckled. "Holy shit that was insane!"

Right when Steven said that line our mothers came running out. "What the hell are you all doing?! Did you just jump off the roof?!"



"We can't believe you all! We give you permission to be on the roof, thinking that we could trust you guys but you decided to jump down!" My mother yelled.

I tried to contain my laughter as none of us dared to make eye contact due to being afraid to burst out laughing. "You three are the oldest! What were you thinking?" Susannah pointed to Conrad, Steven and me.

"There was a bear on the roof. It was our only escape." I looked up and met the mothers's eyes. Right when I finished my sentence all of the other burst out laughing. Damn it we blew our cover. I couldn't contain my laughter as I laughed out loud too.

"All of you! To your rooms." Laurel pointed as all of us got up and walked up the stairs. Barely able to walk up the stairs we separated and went into our own rooms.

I calmed down before getting a text from Steven that brought a smile to my face.

We're meeting in Belly's room at 2am, your job is to get the drinks.


"Shh. We have to be quiet!" Conrad whisper yelled as all of us met up in Belly's room. A lot of snacks and drinks were on the floor as her TV was on. Movie night.

All of us sat down, played Twilight against some protests and started eating. A half an hour passed as all of us were now chatting while watching the movie. I put a chip in my mouth before a loud slam of the door was heard and the mothers bursted into the room.

I bit down on it as they crossed their arms. "All of you are grounded for a whole week!"


We were not grounded anymore as me and Conrad were hanging out on my bed. Watching  something on his phone while I was the little spoon. "I want to redecorate my room." I mumbled getting up in a siting position.

"You did that last week and it's four AM. It'll be too loud." Conrad waved his hand, practically half asleep. I got up and walked to my night stand. I put it to a left before looking at the room. I don't want my heels to be there. I moved them to the other corner of the room along with my bookshelf.

"Move." I pointed to the bed as Conrad shook his head. He was almost asleep as I shook my head, walking closer to the bed. Right when I was about to get on it to go to sleep I hit it on the corner. Metal corner. I groaned really loudly as I fell onto the bed. This hurts so much.

"Athena, you okay?" Conrad asked, getting up from the sleeping position and looked worried.

"No I think I broke my toe."


"So the only thing is that you'll be needing to wear a cast for the next two weeeks." The doctor explained as I widened my eyes. My mum and dad were next to me as I rolled my eyes annoyed already.

"Thank you, Dr Shepherd." My father said as I snorted. "What's funny Athena?"

"Oh nothing. My doctor has the same name as Derek from Grey's Anatomy." I chuckled at that as I stared at my foot. Cast. I got a fucking cast because I stubbed my toe on my bed. How does that even happen?

"Well the others want to see you so we'll leave." My mom said as Conrad, Jayden, Belly, Steven and Jeremiah walked into the hospital room. Belly bit her lip, trying to hold her laughter in.

"Oh just do it already." I rolled my eyes covering my face with my hands as everyone else bursted into laughter. "Very funny haha, I know."

"You broke your toe at four AM because you wanted to redecorate!" Belly held her head as everyone else laughed even harder. At the thought of it I laughed out too while none of us could stop. I broke my toe during summer!


Conrad and I were watching a movie in my room at my dads house. Yep, we moved. Well except for my mom. The Susannah situation was over and Steven and Belly left two days ago.

My room was gigantic. Like I'd rather prefer it to be smaller so that the decorations looked better and the room looked fuller. We were watching Five Feet apart. I made Conrad Watch it per usual.

I've watched this movie so many times and yet I always cry at the end. I blew my nose while staring at the screen. Conrad just looked at the movie, not a single tear. Emotionless non-human being.

"He really loved her!" I pointed to the screen between sobs. "They loved each other and he had to save her!"

"Athena, he still loves her. Very much."

"Yeah and she loves him. Very much."

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