Chapter: 13 "You are joking, right?"

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Tears started forming in my eyes as I tried to stop them. I don't want Conrad to have to deal with me because it would be harder for him then it already is.

Susannah, the woman that was like my second mother had a deathly sickness and wasn't telling any of us. The woman that I used to admire when I was little, heck I still do.

The woman who baked cookies for us and used to tell me bedtime stories when my parents were fighting. She was always there for me when I needed her and in the future she will not be here.

"Is she taking the trials?" I ask trying to keep my voice steady while the tears were streaming down my face. Conrad just shook his head and hugged me tightly making me break.

I cried into his neck while he didn't say anything because he knew that nothing could help. When we both calmed down we finally spoke.

"How long have you known?" I ask staring up at the sky.

"Since April." He answers still not making eye contact with me. To imagine how hard on him this must of have been, keeping everything to himself and not reaching out for help.

"She doesn't know that I know so please don't tell anyone." He says finally making eye contact with me. There was something is his eyes that made me want to cry myself to the end. They looked so sad to the point where his light blue eyes became dark.

I nodded. "Of course I won't tell anyone." I say embracing him in another hug.


Me and Conrad went back into the house when we were done with the conversation and we went into separate rooms because both of us really needed some space.


A few days passed and it was now the Fourth of July. It used to be everyone's favourite holiday when we were younger but now that we are getting older it's getting quite boring if im being honest.

I walked into the kitchen where Jeremiah and Belly where already eating cereal.

"Hey guys." I say getting out a bottle of Ice Tea out of the fridge.

"Hey Nina." They both said while Belly handed Jere her cereal so that he could finish of the milk. We always used to do that as kids.

Conrad walked into the kitchen, first greeting me and then Belly and Jere. Him and Jeremiah talked a bit about some fireworks or something, I wasn't that focused. I kept on thinking how I could make this special for Susannah since it might be the last time that we are all together.

"Hey you guys." My mum said walking into the kitchen with Jayden right behind her."Your father is coming up for the fourth just so you know." She said fast so that she could get over with it.

What the actual fuck. I don't like that man, in fact I think that I hate him. They said that it was a normal divorce but I overheard her and Laurel talk about how he cheated on her. First he cheats on her and then he was the audacity to come her and live with us for 2 days. Yea absolutely not.

I stop drinking the Iced tea and look at her. "You are actually fucking joking right." I say looking up at her with the rage starting to build up inside me.

"No Athena I am not and don't use that language with me." She says giving me a slight warning which I did not care about.

"Wait so first he does that and then he gets to spend 2 fucking days with us?!" I say slightly raising my voice.

"Athena stop being so drama-." My mum gets cut off by me storming out of the kitchen and into my room.


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